Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Roaming Blog: Vacation Edition

Hello Vacation...I have missed you. I am so glad you could come and stay for awhile.

The Bradshaw's are on vacation!!! We deserve it, really. Today was lovely, although I didn't get to sleep in as long as I would have liked to. Tanner still had to go to preschool (he gets to stay home on Friday), and Jeremy and I got to spend the day enjoying each others company. That NEVER happens. We sat outside in the sun, relaxing. We drove up to a local Nursery and walked around their greenhouses looking at flowers and enjoying the beauty that surrounded us. Funny how I never appreciated that when my parents used to drag us through greenhouse after greenhouse. I wanted every plant I saw. I got a couple of tomato plants that already have tomatoes on them!!! AND they fit in a pot so I didn't have to plant them in the yard. I told the lady that I thought I might not be "horticulturally gifted". She laughed and suggested these bush like tomato plants. We'll see how I do and go from there.

We went to Walmart this afternoon after picking Tanner up at school. I don't know that we will be allowed back in. How sad would my life be if I couldn't go to WALMART?? It all started with those stupid 50 cent toy machines in the entrance. Tanner HAD to have a toy and picked the mini glo-sticks. I blame my Mom for his love of glo-sticks. She introduced them to him. Anyway, this is the world's smallest glo-stick. TINY. Jeremy immediately became the husband that no woman wants to take out in public...ever. In his best announcers voice he began telling everyone about the "Multi-purpose with even glow-ier technology." I kid you not. I wouldn't lie about that. Ok, I laughed a little bit. But people looked at him oddly, and it WAS a little embarrassing. And of course, the goofy apple doesn't fall far from the goofier tree, so Tanner also introduced most of the Walmart shoppers to HIS best announcer voice. Yeah, they're weird, but I love them.

We are in the middle of deciding what to do about Tanner's preschool. For the last week, they have done absolutely no work and have been outside all day, everyday. He comes home covered from head to toe in dirt. Today I ruffled his hair, and there was a dust cloud!!! Seriously. I have no problems with the kids getting ample time to play, but I also have him there to learn...and he's not. I am not sure that I want to pay 90 dollars a week for a babysitter. Today, I suggested to Jeremy that we give his two weeks notice. In June, he has his Pre-K summer school for half of the day Monday-Thursday. I can handle working and him for half a day and Fridays. For July and part of August we are talking about hiring a babysitter who can watch him here at our house and supervise his play time while I am working. Most of you know that I have not ever really been thrilled with the preschool that he attends here. And lately, I am even less satisfied with it. I just have certain expectations...and they do not meet them.

I have promised Jeremy some computer time, so I am going to hand him the computer and head for bed. I hope you all are enjoying your week. I plan on getting another blog in before I have to head back to work. We're planning a picnic at the park later this look for pictures!! Hey...David Cook is the new American Idol!!! Thank you America, for not disappointing me :)

1 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

Happy Anniversary!!!