Friday, May 16, 2008

The rest of the pics I promised

Meet Chloe. Chloe is the puppy that we got for an OUTSIDE dog. Please note that she is in my kitchen. I love her, but she is BIG and clumsy and she EATS EVERYTHING. She lays by the front door a lot. I think she likes the way the tile feels on her tummy. Apparently while laying there one day she got bored and chewed on the wall...she took the paint off the drywall. Easy repair, but that's not really the point. We are buying her pen next week, and she is being shipped to the back yard where she belongs.

Doesn't she look much happier frolicking in the grass anyway?? I have to say that she is a very smart dog. She caught on to Fetch pretty quickly. She LOVES Tanner. I don't know that he loves her right now. He brought in one of his stuffed animals that sits on his toy box and showed me a small hole on its chest. He very seriously said, "Chloe ate his heart! She's a bad puppy!"

Tanner got this gi-normous bubble wand thinga-ma-jig to play with (I think that might actually be the name that was printed on the package). As with most of his toys, he played with it for about two minutes. Do all little kids get bored that easily, or is it just mine???

Since Tanner wasn't playing with it anymore, guess who decided to take it for a spin? I really truly believe that 98% of the toys that "Tanner" picks out, aren't really JUST for him. It should also be said that Jeremy played with this toy for approximately two minutes before he got bored. So maybe it's a guy thing??

We have a pretty large yard. The largest I have seen in the subdivision so far. And on a GOOD day it takes Jeremy a few hours to mow it. When Tanner is hanging on the back of his shirt the ENTIRE time, it takes a bit longer. I didn't mind, I'm not the one mowing, and it makes for a cute picture.

We FINALLY got Tanner's swing set up. It's been in the garage since September. He loves it, and Mommy is already terrified of his amazing dare-devil stunts. He's a bit like a spider monkey on the thing, climbing and jumping, and hanging upside down. I TRY really hard to bite my tongue and just let him be a boy. It's soooo hard sometimes. I honestly have no idea how my mom even let Hondo out of the house without some sort of tracking device and a private duty nurse. I know, I know...I need to relax. Easier said than done.

Next week, beginning on Wednesday, I start my much needed vacation. Jeremy's starts tomorrow--he gets two or three more weeks a year than I do. It's crazy how much time off he has this year. We don't really have any plans. We're just going to take it one day at a time and stay close to home. We may let Tanner skip school one day and take a trip to the zoo. I wouldn't mind spending some alone time out in the sun with a good book. Jeremy and I have also talked about visiting the Skinny Improv, in Springfield. I love a good improv set and think it would be a lot of fun. Mostly, I just want to relax and unwind a little bit. I am going to shut the office door and spend time with my boys. I can't wait!

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Good Lord!! Chloe is getting huge! I'm sure she'll love it outside.

Tanner really should stop getting cuter, it's not fair to the other children in the world for him to be that adorable ya know. :)

Buffie said...

It's not just Tanner that gets bored with his toys quickly, it's all children (regardless of age). Jackson is only 5 months old and even he gets bored with his toys, thankfully he forgets that he was bored and plays with the same thing the next day.

If I lived closer I wouldn't mind cutting your grass, extra exercise.

I hope that you enjoy your vacation, Mark doesn't get his vacation time until December 6, even then we probably won't go very far. And I don't get vacation time (that's the price I pay for being a full time 24/7 mom). Oh, well! I love it!