Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I am dancing. You can't see me, but I am gettin' down with my bad self. (step, bump, step, bump bump, kick ball change, pas du beret, pas du beret, step, clap--I know at least ONE of you knows what I am talking about....SARA) I am in the sort of euphoric state that can only be brought on by Starbucks coffee, a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, or an icy cold Diet Dr. Pepper.


Let that sink in for a moment and then join me in the dance. It's ok to groove a little. I have been groovin' all day. This means that in 17 (working) days, I will leave the Miller Companies and all that is evil about it behind me. I shall walk away from this place that has drained me and will never look back. Good Riddance. For the first time in a year, my shoulders don't feel as heavy when I think about work tomorrow...there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

Don't get me wrong, there are things that I will miss about my job---well, mostly the people. I have enjoyed the casualness of the office where the guys say whatever they feel like saying...and "grout testing" is practiced on a regular basis. I will miss the fun little games that Chyna and I play to make the days go by more quickly. I will miss Michele depending on me to eavesdrop in on Matt and Kim's conversations. I will miss finding random pictures of shirtless male office personnel on my computer desktop. I will miss paging Chris to inform him that his herpes medication has been delivered. I will miss making coffee.....NOT!!

I will not miss Matt, or Kim, or the stress of being in the same room as people like them. I will not miss having my hard work turned in as someone Else's. I will not miss being underpaid and overworked. I will not miss downtown traffic or having ceiling tiles fall on my desk. I will not miss the smell of cigarette smoke wafting up from the bar downstairs. I will not miss walking on eggshells because of overly sensitive people who HAVE to be complimented each and every day in order to feel like they are worth something. I will not miss crying over a job that simply isn't worth it.

I am celebrating 2007 and all the new beginnings it is offering me. Celebrate with me.

I am keeping my stapler!!!

3 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Okay first, I must say that as I read "step kick step bump bump" I was wiggling in my chair. HA Ha.

And when I read "I GOT THE JOB" I was overcome by excitement and tears welled in my eyes. Juli, I know the hell you speak of and I know how happy you are! The door to a better bliss awaits and you can now step through. We must about a ball game, shopping, and a day at the spa?

Oh, on your last day you must do this favore for me. Get a small amount of shrimp. Place the shrimp in the rail of the window blinds. And leave forever. The stench will drive them mad when they can not find it. An ex wife once did this to keep her house after her husband left her for another woman. When they ripped the house apart replacing carpet and such things, she got the house back for half the price and simply walked in a removed her hidden shrimp.

Anonymous said...

I just gave my notice, I just gave my notice, I just gave my notice. Juli's last day is official

Buffie said...

I want to congratulate you on the job.
To Sara, that sounds mean, but very very funny. Lets hope that none of them read this.