Friday, October 31, 2008

Weekend Randomness

I just wanted to add these pics...but they didn't really fit in with the Halloween post...Enjoy!

Notebook Kitty snuck up and ate some of Jeremy's pizza when he wasn't looking. I could have stopped him...but then I wouldn't have this cute picture.

Tanner chatting on the phone in my office--I LOVE his argyle sweater. It's too cute.

It stormed here this morning. At one point I looked out the window and could see the small bands of heavy rain in the distance. I liked this one. It started out small and then got really big. Within five minutes of taking the picture, it was POURING.

Arghhh, Mateys!

Happy Halloween, oh people that I love. It is 9:30 and we are all finished trick or treating for the night. We had a blast. Tanner ended up with soooo much candy. We dumped it all into the great big bowl that we have always used to pass out candy. It filled the bowl with some to spare. Tanner was a big boy tonight and went to the all the doors by himself. He even remembered to say "Thank you" I haven't COMPLETELY failed as a parent ;o)

There were a couple of houses that were a bit over the top decoration wise and on those I did have to walk with him. One man dressed in black was measuring people for coffins as they walked into his yard. Tanner gave him a wide berth. Another yard had been turned into a graveyard. Near the front door they had a grim reaper that turned from side to side in a very robotic fashion. As Tanner neared the porch, the figure took a step towards him and waved, setting off lights that played the theme song from Halloween. I jumped too...the guy really did like one of those motorized figures. And I don't know about you, but I have always found the Halloween theme to be a bit creepy.

Now I am going to try to get my sugared up boy to bed. I finally got all the make up off his face. Tomorrow I'll have him Grandma and Grandpa a call...if he's not in bed with a tummy ache. And now I am off, I have a date with an incredibly handsome man to watch "The Strangers". Love you all!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Let's Pretend it's Friday!

Can you believe that it's only Tuesday?? I know I'm not the only one who is already exhausted this week. I am more ready for Friday than I have ever been...ever! This week, I began a month long project as an OJT. I honestly have not left my desk more than twice in one day. Now, I don't want to say that I'm typically lazy or that I don't work. But I usually work at a MUCH slower pace. I told Deanna today how much I miss that slower pace. BUT it's only a month long and I'm sure I won't die of exhaustion. Tonight House is on...that means that I don't have a lot of time to be blogging but I wanted to post some pics that I had promised to some people. So here ya go! Have a great week everyone. I'll be posting Halloween pics this weekend. And if you're so inclined, don't forget to vote next Tuesday :o)

Tanner and Aunt Meleshia were being a little silly last Thursday while Jeremy and I were at his Parent Teacher conference. They had lots of fun though!

Meet Jinx--or as I like to call him "Notebook Kitty". He doesn't like it when I work, that means that I'm not paying attention to him.

Truffles and Freckles (aka Voodoo, aka Rufus, aka Buford) LOVE Jeremy. He makes a good napping buddy.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Fun

The Bradshaw's headed to the farm today for some fall family fun. Every year, for the month of October, the Campbell farm outside of Clever opens to the public for their "Maze Days". The farm has two corn mazes: a four acre maze for the kiddies and an eight acre maze for adults. In addition to the mazes, there is a large pumpkin patch from which you can select a pumpkin to paint or carve, hay rides, a magic show and train ride for the kids, and a plethora of other activities to keep the whole family entertained. Today was the perfect day to be there. It wasn't too crowded, and the weather was gorgeous. We had a great time enjoying each other and creating memories that will last a lifetime...and we came home with a kitten. You KNOW that when Tanner looks at you with those blue eyes and says please he's hard to say no to. So "Jinx", the newest member of the family is, at this very moment, sleeping in Tanner's bed with him. I know, we're suckers. But we're happy suckers...and did I mention the memories?? Anyway, enjoy some of the pictures of our day.

Tanner with a LOVELY fake smile in the corn maze

Tanner picking out his pumpkin in the pumpkin patch.

Painting the pumpkin he picked for himself in the pumpkin patch

Tanner getting his face painted.

Tanner's "Spidey" face. This makeup took FOREVER to wash off.

Monday, October 13, 2008

School Pictures are in!

I was excited to learn that Tanner's school pictures came in today. I paid the five extra dollars necessary to receive not only prints, but a cd with his picture on it as color, sepia, and black and white. My school pictures were never that cool. YES, you may still get one in print, but THESE can go on your computer or phone or can be used in whatever sermon you have coming up...I'm talkin' to you, Dad.

I'll post all three and you can decide which one you like best. Enjoy my adorable son!!

The color option. I love my little blue eyed boy :0)

The black and white version of the shot.

And last but not least the sepia shot...for those of you who prefer that old timey "when I was your age I had to walk ten miles to school, uphill both ways" kind of photos.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Attention Art Lovers...

...or Tanner lover's, either will do. Tanner's school is part of a program that showcases their art on the web. I finally received Tanner's screen name today...although they didn't give me the password. So I can't log in yet to approve any comments, BUT you can go and view the artwork he already has up on the site.

Just go to

The website is really cool and you can even order the artwork in key chain, shirt, or Mug form.

Feel free to leave Tanner comments. I'll get this password thing figured out ASAP and go in and approve them so that he can see them.

Happy Monday!!!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

As Promised...

Pictures from Tanner's sleepover and b-day party BEFORE he graduates from high school...

Tanner and Tyler made their own pizzas for dinner.

The boys enjoying their Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes. Tanner is wearing his Harry Potter glasses that I believe are already broken.

My furniture being used as a launchpad. OOH speaking of Launchpads--wasn't one of the ducks on Duck Tales named Launchpad??? Sorry, the randomness sometimes takes over.

1-2-3 BLAST OFF. He only gets to leap off the furniture on his birthday.

The very tasty cookie cake that I made. Next year, I'm buying. I'm not cool enough to do this baking and decorating stuff. Although the race track cake was SUPER cool.

Sorry I took so long getting these posted. I don't know if you people have figured this out yet, but I am a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to doing things that NEED to be done. I could go to therapy and get to the root of the problem...but he'd just blame my mother :0)

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm off to clean the kitchen and wait for my amazing husband to get home. We have a movie date planned. List form.

Today is October 4th. During my Sophomore year in high school, I was sitting in choir and Mr. Holt walked in and announced to the entire class that we were going to be celebrating National Ham radio day. I am pretty sure that I was not the only person that was utterly confused. He grinned and said..."It's 10-4 today, get it, 10-4." Then I think he might have snorted. Sadly, I now remember his horribly cheesy joke every time October 4th rolls around. It is a little sad that after four years in a really good high school THIS is what I remember.

Occasionally, I like to take the time and let you people into my head so that you can see what entertains the "beautiful (and slightly demented) mind of Juli". I am a simple girl with simple ways. I like reading, relaxing with my family and laughing...and not always in that order. Anything I can find that helps me achieve one of those things is immediately added to the LONG list of things I love. Here's a sneak peek at a few things that make me happy.

Things I have been LOVING lately:

1. THIS amazing collection of books. I just finished my third time through the series and am anxiously awaiting the release of the movie in November. I pray they don't mess it up.

2. Rereading all of the books (and watching the films based on those books) from THIS author.
Jane Austen was a genius well before her time. I hadn't read Northanger Abbey or Persuasion yet, so I had to remedy that. I loved both of them, and enjoyed the movies as well. THEN, I watched Becoming Jane, which is the movie based on Jane Austen's life. It was fantastic. I am pretty sure that if I could go back in time and visit any place it would be Jane Austen's England.

3. The greatest website of all time. This man makes me laugh so hard. I've watched his show from the beginning and actually remember watching the Daily Show when Stephen was one of his reporters. I recently listened to his audio book, "I am America and so can you". HYSTERICAL...he says in the introduction, "Like our Founding Fathers, I hold my Truths to be self-evident, which is why I did absolutely no research." The Colbert Report (the t's are silent!!) is political satire at it's best folks...if you take yourself too seriously or cannot handle "the truthiness" do not attempt to watch.

4. The Yummiest seasonal beverage. Every year I eagerly await the return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. While I enjoy Starbucks deliciousness throughout the year, nothing makes me quite as happy as this beverage.

5. My favorite frozen dairy treat. I have a love for all things pumpkin apparently.

6. And last but not least, THIS cartoon. Who knew a cartoon about fairy godparents could be so enjoyable.

7. Making lists about things I love. It's fun, you should try it.

I am in a constant state of bliss lately so it seems like everything I do is fun and exciting. I can't say that one specific thing has made me feel this way. I think it's just a new found appreciation for the people I love and the life that I have (or it could just be the hormones). All I know is that optimism feels GOOD!! In any case, I hope that all of you are enjoying the many things that make you happy as much as I am enjoying mine. And if you are wondering "What things??" then you better get out that paper and start on a list of your own!