Saturday, October 04, 2008 List form.

Today is October 4th. During my Sophomore year in high school, I was sitting in choir and Mr. Holt walked in and announced to the entire class that we were going to be celebrating National Ham radio day. I am pretty sure that I was not the only person that was utterly confused. He grinned and said..."It's 10-4 today, get it, 10-4." Then I think he might have snorted. Sadly, I now remember his horribly cheesy joke every time October 4th rolls around. It is a little sad that after four years in a really good high school THIS is what I remember.

Occasionally, I like to take the time and let you people into my head so that you can see what entertains the "beautiful (and slightly demented) mind of Juli". I am a simple girl with simple ways. I like reading, relaxing with my family and laughing...and not always in that order. Anything I can find that helps me achieve one of those things is immediately added to the LONG list of things I love. Here's a sneak peek at a few things that make me happy.

Things I have been LOVING lately:

1. THIS amazing collection of books. I just finished my third time through the series and am anxiously awaiting the release of the movie in November. I pray they don't mess it up.

2. Rereading all of the books (and watching the films based on those books) from THIS author.
Jane Austen was a genius well before her time. I hadn't read Northanger Abbey or Persuasion yet, so I had to remedy that. I loved both of them, and enjoyed the movies as well. THEN, I watched Becoming Jane, which is the movie based on Jane Austen's life. It was fantastic. I am pretty sure that if I could go back in time and visit any place it would be Jane Austen's England.

3. The greatest website of all time. This man makes me laugh so hard. I've watched his show from the beginning and actually remember watching the Daily Show when Stephen was one of his reporters. I recently listened to his audio book, "I am America and so can you". HYSTERICAL...he says in the introduction, "Like our Founding Fathers, I hold my Truths to be self-evident, which is why I did absolutely no research." The Colbert Report (the t's are silent!!) is political satire at it's best folks...if you take yourself too seriously or cannot handle "the truthiness" do not attempt to watch.

4. The Yummiest seasonal beverage. Every year I eagerly await the return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. While I enjoy Starbucks deliciousness throughout the year, nothing makes me quite as happy as this beverage.

5. My favorite frozen dairy treat. I have a love for all things pumpkin apparently.

6. And last but not least, THIS cartoon. Who knew a cartoon about fairy godparents could be so enjoyable.

7. Making lists about things I love. It's fun, you should try it.

I am in a constant state of bliss lately so it seems like everything I do is fun and exciting. I can't say that one specific thing has made me feel this way. I think it's just a new found appreciation for the people I love and the life that I have (or it could just be the hormones). All I know is that optimism feels GOOD!! In any case, I hope that all of you are enjoying the many things that make you happy as much as I am enjoying mine. And if you are wondering "What things??" then you better get out that paper and start on a list of your own!

2 hugs and kisses:

Deanna said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Twilight also. I'm worried mostly about whether they've cast the right actors/actresses for the parts. *fingers crossed*

Anonymous said...

NO-they didn't I'm sure of it. The Rock should be Jacob...seriously.