Saturday, October 04, 2008

As Promised...

Pictures from Tanner's sleepover and b-day party BEFORE he graduates from high school...

Tanner and Tyler made their own pizzas for dinner.

The boys enjoying their Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes. Tanner is wearing his Harry Potter glasses that I believe are already broken.

My furniture being used as a launchpad. OOH speaking of Launchpads--wasn't one of the ducks on Duck Tales named Launchpad??? Sorry, the randomness sometimes takes over.

1-2-3 BLAST OFF. He only gets to leap off the furniture on his birthday.

The very tasty cookie cake that I made. Next year, I'm buying. I'm not cool enough to do this baking and decorating stuff. Although the race track cake was SUPER cool.

Sorry I took so long getting these posted. I don't know if you people have figured this out yet, but I am a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to doing things that NEED to be done. I could go to therapy and get to the root of the problem...but he'd just blame my mother :0)

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm off to clean the kitchen and wait for my amazing husband to get home. We have a movie date planned.

4 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

It's a bird, it's a plan, it's Super Tanner. ;)

I'm glad that you are in a good mood, if it's contagious then I need you to come to my house and give it to me. I fear that I am turning into someone like House.

Juli said...

I want to be House. He is my mentor.

Buffie said...

It's not too hard, you just have to question everyone's motives and be pessimistic. The way I am turning out.

Example: Sierra is (once again) 40lbs. Instead of being happy (and greatful) about it, I think "what illness is she going to get this time?"

See, easy.

momndad said...

You are a "bit of a procrastinator" in the same way that our nation is "a little in debt" or O.J. Simpson is "a bit guilty".
At least I'm glad we get to enjoy these birthday pictures before we begin planning his 7th birthday party.
It looks like he had a great time!