Friday, September 22, 2006

My Karma ran over your Dogma

For those of you who might possibly be deluded about me having any sort of good luck whatsoever, let me just enlighten you. Remember Ramone??? Once beautiful and shiny and dent free. He was glorious to behold. Remember the accident? The one that kept me from witnessing the happiest day of one of my best friend's life. I think that I handled everything pretty well considering. I'm fairly certain that Shelly and Alex voted me "Best Person to be in an Accident With". I remained calm, cool and collected throughout the whole ordeal, and even managed to laugh about the situation. Why? Because that's the kind of girl I am. I take life as it comes at me and enjoy whatever it doles out. A bit "Miss Mary Sunshine"? Perhaps--but why worry about the little stuff, right?

Well, as of Wednesday, that Juli no longer exists! Say hello to the new cynical and bitter Juli. I am cursed! What caused this huge turn around, you ask? Getting rear ended at a stop light...less than 5 days after my accident...SIGH. Oh friends, I wish you could have seen it. I got out to ASSESS the damage (for the second time in under a week) and just threw my hands up in the air...literally. The poor guy that hit me NERVOUSLY got out of his tank. I don't know why, maybe the maniacal gleam in my eyes scared him a little. By the time he made it over to me I was starting to laugh a little and he looked like he wanted to cry. He looked over at the front of his car--not even a smudge. Mine...well, here's where I admit that it wasn't THAT bad, it just took a chip out of the bumper..but that's really not the point here! So on seeing my semi-psychotic behavior, my husband (who had said NOTHING to this point) got out to see if he could be of assistance...HA! Long story short...after deciding it wasn't worth the hassle of having to exchange information and try to explain to my insurance company how it is possible to have two accidents in under a week, we shook hands with the still very nervous man and left. Jeremy was VERY quiet all the way home--I think he was afraid to say anything...perhaps he noticed that my right eye had started to twitch a little. In any case, God BLESS him for his silence.

I have been very excited to make it to work two days in a row without incident. But really, I don't know how long it can possibly last. We have a Friday the 13th next month, by then I may have worked up enough bad karma to actually get the vehicle stolen, or struck by lightening. On the LAST Friday the 13th, I spent the morning getting my flat tire repaired so I'm due for a biggie. We'll just have to wait and see! By the way, if anyone would be interested in carpooling with me, give me a call--I'll drive the first week!!! :0)

3 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Love YOU, love everything about YOU, but will definately pass on the carpooling. Scott and I are coming in from KC next weekend, give me a call and we'll see if we can get together!

Juli said...

Wimp! Are you coming here or going to Joplin?

Anonymous said...

Both actually! I'll call you.