Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Our Birthday Boy!

Today, Tanner turns FOUR!! In the last month, I have run the gamut on emotions, feeling both sad and excited. Time has just flown by since the first time I held my little baby in my arms. Now he is this little man who is stubborn and independent --just like his Mommy. (Someone recently pointed my stubbornness out to me.) He is growing up so fast and today just made me realize how quickly that happens.

Last night we baked cupcakes for Tanner to take to Carol's house today. I just helped a little bit--he did the majority of the you can see from the pictures. It was funny listening to him chattering away as we hung out together in the kitchen. And it was even more comical the way he bossed me around as if he was a master chef! "OK, I'm gonna crack the eggs, and you get out the mixer!"
Today, when we went in with the finished product, the other children swarmed like bees! Tanner told each and every one of them, more than once I might add, that HE had baked them all by himself. Carol and I just smiled and let him brag a little. After all, you only turn four once. He had a good day...I was a little sad that I had to work, but we have big plans for the evening.
Dinner is in the oven, and The Fox and the Hound is on TV. We are planning to snuggle up under his sleeping bag and watch the movie and munch on caramel corn. We are having his party this Sunday afternoon after everyone gets out of church. He has requested hamburgers and hot dogs (on the grill) and a Smiley Face cake to match his pillow. I'm still up in the air on the cake--I would like to do something just a little cuter for this particular birthday. Maybe I will make two, we're planning on having a house full--so it won't be wasted. We'll just have to see how much energy I have after the rest of the week. Right now, I am going to go cuddle up with the Apple of my Eye and watch some cartoons. Could anything be better than that??

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

No, Nothing could POSSIBLY be better than that! Give Tanner a big hug for me and hug yourself too.