Thursday, September 14, 2006

Table Talk

Looking back, one of my favorite things about growing up was getting to sit down at the dinner table as a family. I'm sure, at the time, I didn't appreciate it as fully as I do now--but when you're all grown up with a child of your own you see the BIGGER picture. So it's very important to me that we sit down together at the table whenever we can and have some family time. Unfortunately, Jeremy doesn't get to join me and Tanner every night...but we do what we can.

Tonight we sat down to enjoy dinner and each others company. The food was good and the conversation was...ummm...stimulating???

Juli: (Well, I can't really tell you what I said for risk of self-humiliation--note that it was a slightly suggestive comment directed at my husband--also note that it was one of those hidden suggestive comments, since little pichers have big ears)

Jeremy: (says nothing...but eyes widen in disbelief)

Tanner: mmmmm...these noodles are yummy!!

Juli: (Laughing) You should see the look of incredulity on your face!

Jeremy: (Very blank expression) What???

Juli: (S-L-O-W-L-Y) You should see the look of incredulity on your face.

Jeremy: Did you not hear me say "what??" the first time? Who uses a word like that in everyday conversation??? I mean, you used it in a sentence, so I now know what it means...but honestly???

Juli: (laughing harder now) You just looked so incredulous...sorry...skeptical.

Jeremy: (also laughing) Why didn't you just say that the first time?? I'm a country boy! I can count on one hand the members of my family that would know what that word meant

Juli: Sorry honey, I forget I have to use small words with you.

Tanner: (with noodles in mouth and laughing hysterically) SHAKE YOUR BOOTY!!!!

Jeremy and Juli: (stunned silence followed by more laughter)

We love our child! He just always manages to say something crazy and wonderful at the most perfect time. And since he talks pretty much non stop, we're always guaranteed a laugh. Anyway, dinner ended without any more big words or outbursts, Tanner has been tucked into bed, and Jeremy and I have been thoroughly horrified by "Celebrity Duets". Now it is time to prop our feet up and just enjoy the evening. Good night to you all, and look for some good stories Sunday evening. Marianne is getting married THIS SATURDAY!!! Alex, Shelly and I are trekking to Eureka Springs for the event. I am so excited about it!

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

I can just see Jeremy's blank look--I can only imagine how hysterical that was...and what can I say about that little man of yours? What a perfect way to end that conversation--Shake your booties, Bradshaws!