Sunday, September 10, 2006

We're Expanding!

Jeremy and I have an announcement! The Bradshaw family is growing larger and we couldn't be more happy. Please join us in welcoming the two newest members of our happy home!

This afternoon, we went to the pet store with the sole intention of buying a third goldfish for Tanner's fish tank...since he said we needed one for each of us. But while we were there, Jeremy strayed away from the fish aisle and found these two little guys. After a little pouting and a small temper tantrum, Tanner and I consented and told Jeremy that he could get one if he wanted. He wanted the fire-bellied newt. I, OF COURSE, fell in love with the fire-bellied toad. You know of my frog affinity. But, I was perfectly content in letting Jeremy get his newt, Tanner his goldfish, and myself nothing more than a quiet evening. Jeremy somehow talked me into getting both of them.

Long story short, I LOVE THEM--maybe even more than the boys do. I keep taking them out of their tank to play with them. I am pretty sure that I am going to name my frog "Fuego" for his fire-red tummy, and Jeremy wants to name the newt "Vader". I'll have to sleep on it though. But I am so excited to have them and
wanted to share them with you all.

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Oh I hate you! For a nano second I honestly thought you were about to make a rather different announcement. Tricky tricky. Perhaps soon???

Juli said...

Sorry to disappoint you--but I LOVE MY FROGGIE!!! And don't be expecting any BIG announcements for at LEAST another year--and even then the announcement may be that I got another frog :0)