Thursday, September 28, 2006

Goodbye Ol' Faithful

Today, Jeremy bought HIS very first new car EVER (I have had TWO since we've been married)! He is so excited about it...and durn it all, I am too. The Mazda...aka Ol' Faithful...aka Smoky...aka The Death Trap, was just about to give up on just turned 16 years old so he was really due. Chrysler was having a Fantastic 96 hour sale and this little beauty caught his eye...

Isn't it pretty??? I think I have been banned from driving it for a while. Something about Jeremy wanting to keep it dent free for at least two months. He's so selfish! But there "she" is in all her glory...although SHE doesn't have a name. Apparently, real men don't name their vehicles...or something like that...I didn't quite catch it as it was being muttered under my husband's breath. Mom, I have it on good authority that you can drive it when you guys make it for Tanner's belated birthday celebration. Well, it's time to give my little duckie his bath...and then someone volunteered to make cookies for tomorrow. So nightie night all.

0 hugs and kisses: