Friday, September 01, 2006

My Life in Bumper Stickers

Have you ever just been driving along and seen a bumper sticker that fits you to a tee?? Have you ever realized that your life is just one bumper sticker after another??? This happened to me today.

This one describes PERFECTLY how I have been feeling this last week. After all, it's pretty discouraging to get turned down for a job that mirrors one you already have. I have tried to maintain a sense of humor about the whole thing. Even if the sense of humor was a bit self-deprecating. I did call upon my creative side and lo and behold a song was born. Tell me what you think.

To the tune of Garth Brook's song "Shameless"
I'm jobless!
Baby, I don't even care.
Every time you see me standing there
I'll be saying "spare change please?"

Ok, that's as far as I got--but I think it's a good start. I'm hoping to get it put in the little known, off broadway musical "Can't pay my RENT".

I will admit that I have been feeling a little blue. And I will even admit to eating some ice cream just cuz it made me feel better. Cookies and Cream. It was pretty tasty. This reminds me...MOM--Breyer's has cartons of light "Fried Ice Cream"!!! Yes, I said Light! Can it get any better than that?? I submit that it cannot! Disclaimer: The author of "The Bradshow" is fully aware of the consequences of emotional eating and in no way does she support it as a way of dealing with one's problems.

So, in light of everything happening here, I have found myself pondering the meaning of life. Have I just not been putting my left leg in enough?? Maybe not, but I do know I can't dwell on it. I just have to move on and keep my chin up and my head held high. By the way, I WAS offered my job back...and I accepted on a trial basis and with some conditions. Hey, it's a paycheck! We'll see how it goes. So Tuesday, I have to get up early again and back to the real world I go. It will be another adventure in the book that is my life.

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!!! I needed some Juli Humor today. Love you kiddo.