Friday, October 27, 2006


May I please get a STANDING OVATION for my boys the St. Louis Cardinals...the 2006 World Champions!!!!!!! It's been an exciting night of baseball here at 404 E. Morningside. Shelly and I (and Tanner...until he went to bed) settled in to watch Game 5 of the World Series. I have to say that I sat with my hands clenched the entire game...I REALLY didn't want to play Game 6 in Detroit. But the underdogs pulled through and did what everyone said they couldn't do. I am a proud Cardinals fan tonight! Celebrate with me.

In other non-baseball related news, we have had another fun-filled week here in Springfield MO. Aside from having to work, that is. We have carved pumpkins--and they are wonderful, we have colored spooky pictures from the Crayola website. We have played until we are exhausted and are looking forward to playing some more this weekend. Sunday evening we are planning on taking TW to Spooktacular at the Zoo. He's so excited he can hardly stand it. Tomorrow we plan on just lounging and enjoying each other's company--and I THINK tomorrow night is FrightNight 06. FrightNight is a fun time for me. It's a no holds barred, scary movie marathon in my living room. Um, we will be starting with Scooby Doo--Tanner's choice, obviously, and from there...who knows! But in case you didn't know, I LOVE SCARY MOVIES!!!! So I am super excited about it--I may not sleep tomorrow night, but it will be well worth it.

So, I should probably get some sleep tonight, right? Good night everyone. Love you lots.

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Go Cardinals!!!!