Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I have often been minding my own business when out of the blue, I will see or hear something that makes me think "Why??? Seriously, what is the point?" Today, on my way to pick up Tanner this man in an old beat up truck cut me off. That alone didn't surprise a matter of fact, I have lived in Springfield long enough that it didn't even make me flinch. Here there are two rules of the road. One, the driver of the larger vehicle can do whatever they want (I am NEVER that driver, since 90% of the population drives something that requires Diesel fuel to get it going), and two, WHEN someone whips out in front of you...even though there is NO ONE behind are required to SLAM on your brakes and smile and wave happily as you let them into traffic (I haven't quite gotten the hang of that one yet). But I digress. So as Joe Dodge cuts me off I notice two things, neither of which are unusual by themselves. But together, they puzzled me. The man had a cigarette sitting, fashionably behind his ear. Nothing new, I have seen this before. His left arm was hanging out the driver window and nestled comfortably between his left index and middle finger(in cigarette holding fashion) was a pencil. I had to look three times to make sure that I hadn't inhaled too much white out during work...but no, my eyes did not deceive me. So please, explain this one to me...cause I don't get it...I mean unless the cigarette behind his ear wasn't your every day tobacco product, and he had smoked one previously, then I am completely lost. Did I miss out on some new trend? I'm not about to start smoking, but I can hold a pencil all day long with the best of 'em. HELP ME UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!

1 hugs and kisses:

Juli said...

I was bored! And Jeremy won't let me redecorate the voila!