Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pure Sophistication

I don't know if you know this about the Bradshaw's, but we're pretty sophisticated people. We throw dinner parties for our friends that consist of gourmet meals, cooked by moi! We tell witty stories that keep everyone laughing, we wear our best attire and use big words like "Perforation."

Ok, only about half of that is true. We had a dinner party for our friends and I DID cook--fried chicken, pork chops, and mashed vegetables, because, frankly, who has time for them with all the grease and carbs? Did I mention the strawberry shortcake and chocolate gooey butter cookies for dessert? Jeremy and I wore pretty much what we wear everyday...jeans for him, slacks for me. Tanner did get a little more festive when he stripped down to his Sponge Bob undies and ran around the dining room. He also talked Mommy and Daddy into buying him a set of those funny teeth they sell at Walmart--that was good for a laugh.Oh and it should be said that I DID use the word perforate in a sentence. I know, impressive. I told everyone that if they didn't have at least one three syllable word to contribute to the conversation then they needed to leave. Hey, if I have to be beautiful, witty, AND smart, then others should have to contribute as well. This is where I tell you all that my FANTASTIC husband cleaned up after everyone left and didn't grumble once...such a prince. That being said, he was relinquished from the three syllable word rule--if I made him leave he really wouldn't have anywhere to go.

We had a great time tonight--Tanner was excited to see Shari and Chelle and Shelly and Aunt Meleshia too! We laughed and ate and laughed some more. I always hate for evening like tonight to end--but getting to cuddle on the couch with my husband and relax makes it a little more bearable. So that is what I am going to do. Good night all...I love you, and you definitely MUST come to the next dinner party!

0 hugs and kisses: