Sunday, October 08, 2006

I have had the bestest weekend ever! My parent's 20th anniversary is next week and my dad planned a getaway for the two of them at a Bed and Breakfast in Independence, MO. What mom didn't know, was that we had conspired with Dad and were going to be there also. Jeremy couldn't get off work for Friday and Saturday, but Tanner and I, and Hondo and Jess headed to KC to be with them. We arrived at the B&B before Mom and Dad did. Our Rooms were lovely. Tanner and I had "The Magnolia Room", and Hondo and Jess had "The Judges Library". My parents had the fancy digs. Mom was so surprised to find us waiting outside their room--I think she would have whooped with joy...had her voice not been compromised. We had a fun family dinner together at the coolest restaurant ever! Then, we headed back to the Inn for a good nights sleep. May I just say that the bed in my room was the most comfortable one I have ever had the pleasure of sleeping on. (Please forgive that I just ended that sentence in a preposition). We got up early on Saturday and had a DELICIOUS breakfast of waffles and some kind of yummy egg wrap thingy (I am sure that's not the technical term). After a fun little outing at the Lakeside Nature Center we all headed for home. Tanner and I got home around three--although if I hadn't sat in traffic for thirty minutes it would have been a lot sooner (I'm not kidding, mom, as SOON as I had hung up the phone from talking to you traffic came to a screeching halt--there was an accident on I-44 and it had backed up traffic for two miles on Hwy 13. Then we watched some cartoons together and just kind of lazed around until it was time to go to bed. This afternoon we have just enjoyed our family time as usual. Tanner and Jeremy are outside playing soccer and Tanner is teaching Daddy some kind of "victory dance" he has picked up from somewhere. It's cute. He stomps his feet, swivels his hips, does some kind of "raise the roof" move with his hands and then shakes his head from side to side. I was impressed. I am thinking I need some quiet time and may go hop onto my bed and watch one of those wonderful English chick flicks my father dreads so much. I love you all and will blog again soon.

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

So glad you could get away for the weekend and have some time with your family--I know how much you miss that!