Sunday, October 01, 2006

Haircut Horror

My poor Tanner did the unthinkable today. Well, maybe it's not all that unthinkable since you hear about it all the time...he took a pair of scissors to his beautiful blond hair! And the only way we could fix it was for Jeremy to buzz it off!!! Later I will cry, right now I am still in shock. I know that in the grander scheme of things it's not really all that big a deal. But it REALLY looks bad. I love my husband with all my heart, but the man is no barber...I mean, he TRIED to fix it so he gets bonus points for that--but secretly I think the buzz cut looks worse than the choppy cutting job Tanner did on the front. C'est la vie, I suppose. We were planning on getting it cut later this week. I guess Tanner just decided that he didn't want to wait anymore. It was just yesterday that he was so proud that he could spike it up really tall. He even made me take a picture of him to share with Nana and Papa. Rest assured there will be NO pictures of the "new do" It is something I won't want to remember! On the bright side, at least it's not a mullet (a.k.a. the "achy breaky big mistakey")!

1 hugs and kisses:

Juli said...

I just might have to do that, if for no other reason than every time I see his hair I get REALLY mad at Jeremy (poor guy)--it may be the only way to save the marriage! :0)