Sunday, October 29, 2006


Tonight, as the darkness enclosed us, we found ourselves wandering through a wooded area. We were never quite sure what lay ahead...all we could do was wait and see. Then, suddenly, a scream in the night..."MOMMY, LOOK IT'S SCOOBY DOO!!!!!"

Spooktacular at the Dickerson Park Zoo was tonight (actually it's been running for a while, but tonight was the only night all three of us could go). So, we trudged through the dark zoo with the HUNDREDS of other people who went. It was soooo crowded. It took a lot of the enjoyment out of the night (well, for me and Jeremy, that is--Tanner could have cared less). There were spooky displays, and games, and candy stations and Tanner loved it all. We went through Narnia, and Candy Land. We saw Scooby and went through a maze. We went through a Dr. Seuss book walk, and watched glowing eyes off in the distance. We walked through the reptile house...which was Jeremy's favorite part. He had never seen an Anaconda before and said that it had made the whole thing worthwhile. The only thing we didn't do was take a spooky train ride. It was getting close to closing time so we decided maybe next time. It was fun, maybe not quite what I had expected but Tanner had a good time and that's really all that matters, Right? Here's my little Spider Man showing off his spidey-ness!

We've had a busy weekend, and there's much more to hear about. But it's late, and I am starving. SO...tune in next time for tales of falling leaves, and jack-o-lanterns.

2 hugs and kisses:

Don Cross said...

Grandpa has some serious issues...of course it was Toby McGuire...duh! In the words of a great person not to be named..."that's my Tanner"!

Juli said...

Hmmm, wonder who that great person could be??? Hi Pastor Cross!!! Nice to see you here!