Friday, April 06, 2007

Didn't Get the Memo

Well people, today is April 6th. Tanner and I spent the better part of the day snuggling under covers, indulging in some SpongeBob and watching the snow flakes fall from the sky. EXCUSE ME, OLD MAN WINTER...YOU'RE DONE FOR THE YEAR...TAKE A BREAK!!! Apparently he didn't get the memo. I think we will be hunting Easter eggs in coats this year...blech!

I found THE preschool today. I have given them the "one time, non-refundable application fee" and Tanner will begin on the 16th. It's called A Touch of Nature. Once a week the "zoo lady" comes and brings animals for everyone to see; every other week a lady comes in and teaches the children how to use a computer (Tanner is tres excited!); and then also once a week a gymnastics teacher comes in for some gym time. It will cost us a little more than what we were paying Carol, but I really think it will be money well spent. He's so giddy he can hardly stand it. I'm glad, because this transition will not be easy...on me. So knowing Tanner is happy will help.

I have really been struggling with leaving Carol. I was talking to Michele about it and she said something that made sense to me. I'm not struggling so much with him not being at her house as I am with how I feel about her illness. She reminded me that I would have to deal with THAT in a completely different way. She's definitely right about that! Carol is finally out of the hospital and I haven't been able to walk out of her house this week without crying. Thankfully, she has been asleep every time I've been there so she hasn't seen the tears, but I apparently have a lot of issues I need to face.

Tomorrow is the long awaited Baby shower for Kayla and Kurt. Little Easton Dale will be here in May! I shall come back from the shower armed with cutsie pictures and more than likely pregnancy envy. I also want to get Tanner's Easter pics finished for your viewing enjoyment. His little outfit is adorable! Well, it is officially time to go and tuck TW into bed. Check back tomorrow night for pictures...I promise they will be here. Hecklers!

5 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Jules, write down what you'd like to say to Carol. You don't have to give it to her, but writing out your thoughts will organize your heart. Its good therapy.

I hope Tanner has a great Easter! I saw some billy bob teeth and these camoflauge eggs (in shades of green) for easter gifts. How mean and redneck of them!

HAPPY EASTER to everyone.

Buffie said...

I guess that I missed it, what is wrong with Carol. I don't have to know but if you need to talk let me know.

Congrats on the preschool. It sounds much better than the one Sierra will start this fall, hers is through Parents As Teachers and somewhat affiliated with the school.

Have a happy Easter I hope the Easter Bunny brings you peace and Tanner lots of candy (if you do the Easter Bunny, we do).

Juli said...

Carol's has diabetes and her health had gotten bad enought that she won't be able to take care of the kids anymore--she is out of the hospital now, so that is good.

Easter was GREAT! Tanner had a fun day and has eaten enough candy to keep him wired for a week. I took some pictures and did a video of him coloring his easter eggs. I am going to try and get them posted at work tomorrow since our computer isn't cooperating with me tonight. HARUMPH!

Hope everyone's Easter was wonderul--lots of love to each of you.

Anonymous said...

----------- # of work-days on the wall, ------ # of days, take one down pass it around, only ----- # of days on the wall.

maybe it'll catch on.

Juli said...

14 days and counting!!
