Saturday, April 28, 2007


Today, I am GLOWING with all the beautiful things that are happening in my life. Sara's comments about a new job, a new home, and a new life are right on. I feel so peaceful right now, so at ease with the way things are turning out. I will admit that in the last few weeks, I have done my share of worrying. Worrying about leaving the Miller Companies, worrying about whether I was making the right decision about Tanner's educational needs, worrying about if we were ready to buy our first home...and I might even go so far as to say that sometimes I enjoy being able to worry. It keeps life exciting and it gives me something to do.

Joyce Meyer nailed me to the wall last night! It was one of "those" sermons. You know, the kind that make you feel like you are the only person in the room, and she is speaking directly to you?? (A little background for those of you who haven't already heard: Joyce Meyer spoke at James River Assembly last night in front of a crowd of 3500 beautiful women...myself included. It was a time of amazing worship and praise and inward reflection for all who were there. In a word it was phenomenal.) I mean, she even specifically mentioned the whole school issue that I have been facing...public schools, christian school, home school??? I have been worrying about something that won't even need to be addressed until next year! I have been praying on it and have really felt that I just wasn't getting a clear answer as to what decision I should make. She told us a story about a man who was having the same troubles. He had an important decision to make and prayed and prayed and still had no idea what to do. One night he had a vision of a road that came to a fork, and he could choose to go to the right or the left, he stood there pondering it for a while and then God clearly spoke to him and said, "No matter which path you choose, I will be with you." I was stunned by the simplicity of that answer which seemed to make everything that I have been worrying about melt away.

I have complicated things with my worry, enough that I forgot that God is with me every step of each new journey and that if I should make the wrong decision, he won't let me get too far before he reminds me. When I let go of all of that stuff that holds me back and clouds my mind, I can really truly shine...with the grace and peace that only God can give. So that's what I am going to do. I am going to embrace the newness of my world and Shine. I am going to trust that I am capable of making the right decisions and trust even more that if I don't God will smack me upside the head and redirect me.

In September, I am going to St. Louis for a three day women's conference at which Joyce Meyer will speak again. Why don't all of the beautiful women in my life meet me there, and we will be blessed together.

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that a wonderful feeling? All that you have described was exactly how I felt when I went to the Mary Kay convention in Dallas a few years ago.
When things get to deep for me or I just can't take it anymore you have to let go. Tell God, Please take over. Let go and let him take the wheel. Listen to Carrie Underwoods song...Jesus take the wheel. I think everyone should record that song and when you drive, listen to it and let god take your problems away.
I will go to St. Louis with you, I love to be inspired.

Buffie said...

Sounds like a plan to me.

I hate to rain on the parade, but I would love to know if 1) you have heard about what Archbishop Burke said, and 2) what you think about it. If you haven't heard, just check out my blog.