Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter, Family!

I may be a day late on the Easter post, but I truly hope that you all were blessed with a wonderful Easter Sunday. I love celebrating Christ's triumph over the grave. He is Risen Indeed! Easter is one of my favorite holidays...first and foremost because of it's beautiful story, and also because it is smack in the middle of Spring, and I love Spring time. Flowers are blooming, trees are budding, birds are singing. New life is everywhere I look and it is beautiful. Springfield is especially beautiful in the Spring, I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever lived in another town that was quite as pretty.

But enough about onto the reason you all are really here. My darling four year old boy! Let the pictures commence.

Here you see The mad scientist (complete with costume) preparing dye to color Easter Eggs.

And onto the actual dying of said eggs...

We had to do the hunting in coats this year...Last year I believe we were in shorts.

I tried really hard to get Tanner to hold still so that I could get a couple of shots of him in his Easter outfit, but after all the candy he had that was a definite no go. Before the weekend ended he was the proud recipient of three Easter Baskets. Here he is in a moment of calm (thank goodness, I almost had to get out the tranq gun!!)

We had a Really fantastic Easter together, but we wish we could have been with the rest of our family as well. We love you all!!

6 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Tanner is so handsome in his Easter attire. He looks like he had fun dying the eggs, too. I can't wait until Bear is old enough to hunt his eggs. I bought him a little blue bible, bubbles for bath time, and some toys. I don't have pics cause the camera went with a friend during the Royals home opener. Hopefully Steve will bring it home from work. Bear has a new little boys hair cut and is too adorable.

Juli, you only have a week and a half left at work. I for one can't wait until you are out of there. Yippy, yippy, yeah-yeah!!!

Juli said...

No, I actually have two and a half weeks left--my last day is the 27th. Today Kim has spoken twice to me. One to tell me we were out of coffee, and two to tell me the fax machine was out of paper. This may be the longest two and a half weeks of my life.

Buffie said...

I'll trade you.
Yesterday was spent with not 2 but 4 daycare children, plus my sweet little angel. Two of said children did nothing but scream louder than humanly possible for 8 hours. They may not stay for long.

Anonymous said...

yah so I am going to make that coffee shirt I have talking about. Front: I am not your coffee b-tch. Back: Want cream with that?
The new and revised...
Front: Want coffee?
Back: Get it your damn self (with a giant hand, flippin her off). Yeah, that one is way better.

Anonymous said...

I am mailing you some aleve,you poor poor woman! Sara...I expect this shirt for my birthday...make it happen :o)

Buffie said...

Why wait until your birthday for the shirt?

To make matters worse, the day of the screaming contest, happened on Mark's day off. I feel horrible, but I don't have them again until (possibly) Sunday morning. I have already talked to the mom and there is a good possibility that she is going to get the grandma to watch them. No complaints here.

I forgot before to tell you how cute Tanner was dying his eggs. (I forgot to take pictures of that.) We had defective dye, after 90 minutes they still had no color.