Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Final Countdown

8 days, that's it people, 8 days. I told myself this at work today after hanging up from a particularly yucky phone call (those of you who want to play can guess who I was talking to...winner gets a prize. HINT--I think they are the center of the axis of evil...and GO). In 8 short days I will pack my belongings into a box and be done. Matt called me into his office today to tell me how much he was going to miss me...I almost threw up on his shoes.

Tanner is on day two of preschool and is doing splendidly. Today "the Zoo Lady" brought in a rabbit and a bird for the kids to see. Now he is all psyched about going to the zoo...but not with Mom and Dad. Apparently we are no fun. He told me on the way home, "I don't want to go with YOU, I want to go with your mom and dad." So we called Nana and Papa when we got home to inform them that Tanner was ready for another trip. He LOVES Nana and Papa and I have learned that I will NEVER be as cool as them, but that's ok.

Tanner had some popcorn before bed tonight and he put his bowl on the counter and came up to me with his little hand clenched.

Mommy: What's in your hand?

Tanner: Popcorn seeds, I am going to take them and plant them and grow a BIIIIIG popcorn tree.


We have deposited the seeds in a plastic baggy until we can plant them this weekend. I love having a four year old! I only wish he would stay four forever.

We'll end this post with a humorous story (at my expense, of course). Those of you who know me best will appreciate me at my most graceful. Yesterday, I was at work trying to get caught up on some of my filing (nothing too bad, just accounting stuff from last fall!!!). I was sitting on my heels and reaching into the back of the bottom drawer of my filing cabinet. I went to grab a file, but alas, my hand was stuck. And I mean S-T-U-C-K. Somehow my wedding ring had gotten wedged in between the next drawer up and the files in the drawer I was in. And the drawer was so full that I couldn't push the files back far enough to dislodge the rock on my ring. I was hopelessly trapped and trying to figure out just how I was going to carry the cabinet home with me when Chyna walked by me.

Now I should mention that I hadn't asked for help yet because I was too embarrassed for anyone to see me stuck in my filing cabinet. Chyna, of course, wanted to know why I was looking so incredibly uncomfortable and quietly so no one else could hear, I told her. What a sympathetic friend she is...she immediately burst out laughing at my predicament. I hate her. After shooting her the "I will set you ablaze with a mere glance" look she came over and removed some of the files from the cabinet so that I could remove my hand. Happily freed I went to stand up and was immediately overcome by a foot cramp. I could feel my foot curling up underneath itself but could do nothing to stop it. So I shrieked and began hopping around on one foot.

Right about that time, Todd, one of the construction guys walked into the office. Oh, an audience, I must perform! Luckily for them, my boot heel got caught in the cuff of my pants and turned my hopping into what I imagine looked like some kind of eighties free style dancing or Indian fertility ritual. I was trying to find ANYTHING to grab onto, my arms were flailing madly, and nothing was in reach. So on and on I twirled and hopped around like a professional ballerina right up to the point that I fell over the corner of my desk (where was THAT when I needed something to grab on to??). Thankfully the floor broke my fall.

I lay there boot heel still trapped in my pant cuff waiting for the floor to open up and swallow me whole. I looked up at Chyna and Todd who had said was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. "I'm ok", I managed to choke out, "Just gimme a second." Then the snickering started. I shot a scathing look at the two of them...but it didn't work. The snickering grew into full on choking laughter. Todd came around the desk to help me up and was laughing so hard there were tears streaming down his cheeks. I, completely in control and with GREAT dignity, got to my feet and primly sat down in my chair. I was trying to be cool and act a little wounded that they would laugh at my expense...this lasted all of two seconds and then I was howling right along with them. Today Todd left a note on my computer that included a list of emergency contact numbers, and Chyna called me "Crash" all day. But I don't mind...cause in the end I am way cuter than Chyna and not quite as hairy as Todd.

Love me, people, just love me. I am helplessly clumsy and not very good at math. I sing loudly in the car and sometimes I even dance (white girl...very white!), I am afraid of spiders and mice and can't broil things in the oven. But I am adorable and highly love me.

5 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

You know that we all love you, and don't worry, we all have stories like that.

Not a day goes by that I don't end up falling on my butt or hurt myself doing some very common thing, like using scissors and pulling a muscle in my hand, or working out and almost breaking my hand in the equipement.

Friday, I'm baking (for Hannah's b-day) lord only knows what will happen to me then.

Anonymous said...

You know, I would not have laughed. I would have immediately reached in the drawer to help you and like a good friend, probably got stuck with you. Okay, then I would laugh.
I am going to guess that on the other end of the phone was Lowe's.

Tanner is so cute, I can only imagine what Bear will come up with.

Juli said...

Ding Ding Ding!!!! WE HAVE A WINNER. Sara Beth has correctly guessed the center of the axis of evil and as such will win.....drumroll please.....a visit from me, in June, we'll go see a game and have some fun. I can't wait :)

Also included in package is eyebrow waxing and banana pudding--does it get any better than that?? I submit that it cannot.

Anonymous said...

This is reminiscent of a certain incident that involved a shopping I need to go on??

Anonymous said...

Tina!!!! Where in heavens name have you been?? I have missed you. I don't think it is necessary to bring up the shopping cart incident...or my tall shoes...or the time in my life when I thought I was Shania. Unless you want to ALSO bring up the "Hey Mickey" incident. Fair is Fair.