Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our Wonderful, Fabulous, Splendiforous Day

The Bradshaws had NOTHING to do today. No shopping after church. No cleaning that we had put off until the last minute. No yard work that was screaming to be finished. Nothing, Nada, Zip, Zilch, Zero. In celebration of this, I decided that Tanner and I would go to the EARLY service this morning so that we would have all day to spend together. So we made it home from church around ten thirty rolled Jeremy out of bed and planned our day of RELAXATION. We decided on a cookout at the park.

My most favorite-est place in all of Springfield is Nathaniel Greene Park. It is by far the largest park here. There are never very many people there and it is simply breathtaking. Mom, I think we went once while you were visiting. This park is also the home of Gray-Campbell homestead (the oldest standing home in town) and the Japanese Stroll Gardens. There are also acres of rolling green hills, a serene lake, beautiful flower gardens, gazebos, and statues galore. What amazes me most is that it is in the middle of town, and you would never know.

We grilled some hot dogs, played at the play ground, roamed the gardens and just had good quality family time. We had to leave earlier than I had planned because a summer storm popped up out of no where. BUT on the way home, I decided that a little rain was not going to spoil our perfect afternoon.

So when we got home Tanner and I played in the rain. Jeremy was a wimp and stayed on the porch. After a while, the sun came back out to grace us with its presence. We soaked it in. Today was a wonderful day of peace, and quiet, and playfulness, and enjoying being able to sink my bare feet into lush green grass. It was a wonderful, fabulous, splendiforous day.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Bring on the hot weather, swimming pools and sunscreen, summer is here!!!! Ok, I don't really love summer, I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I am just trying to pump myself up about it. Those of you who know me best know that I am a fall kind of girl. The BEST thing about summer is that fall is just around the corner!

I've had a busy and wonderful week. I got a phone call Wednesday on my way home from work from Chyna begging me to meet them after work the next day and hang out, so Thursday after work I met up with them and we had a blast. Chyna and myself and "the boys" (Chris, Trulane, and Todd) spent a few hours at Big Whiskey's catching up and just having a good time in general. I totally BLEW my no caffeine rule and had three diet cokes while we were there, so I am now again forced to go through the dreaded caffeine withdrawal. What that REALLY means is that Juli will be meaner than a rattle snake Monday and Tuesday.

Tanner is wonderful. Daddy let him stay up late on Thursday night so that I could put him to bed, well that and so he could watch the result show of So You Think You Can Dance. But I came in and he ran up to me and said, "I missed you mommy, you look beautiful." AWWWWW. Today he made a bit of a mess with some lucky charms and as he and I were sitting in the floor picking up magically delicious marshmallows he told me that I was the best Mommy in the whole wide world. DOUBLE AWWWWW. I wish I could keep him this age forever. I think he wouldn't mind. He told me yesterday as we were driving home that he was going to buy a motorcycle. I'm not a fan of them and told him that when he was all grown up and didn't live with Mommy and Daddy anymore, that he could buy one. He thought about that for awhile and said, "No, I'm just gonna stay here and be your son forever." I love him.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Butterfly Kiss for You, Dad

Proverbs 20:7 says, "The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.

Dad from you, I can always expect some pearl of wisdom. Growing up I thought you had to be the smartest man alive. I looked up to you then as much as I do now. But as smart as you are, I have to say that I got the most, not from what you said, but from your actions. What you did gave me my sense of values, by the way you acted and the things you believed in. There have been times in my life when I forgot to put God first. I know that you prayed for me everyday. Because of those prayers and your unfailing beliefs I was able to find God again. And I thank him everyday for blessing my life with you. I love you Daddy, Happy Father's Day.

We had a wonderful Father's Day here. After church we drove out to Clever to check on the house. The didn't get a whole lot finished this week because of all the rain, but it is definitely starting to look more like a house than it did. I would imagine that the insulation and drywall will go in next week, and I'm hoping they will get the exterior done. After we got home, Jeremy's Dad and Grandma stopped by. We were glad to see them and spent the afternoon chatting and watching Tanner run through the sprinkler. He had a blast!! Although, he got a little cold.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Where's Noah when you need him???

I would like to order one Ark to go please!! I shouldn't complain, according to the latest weather report Greene County has only gotten about 3 inches of rain in the last two days. That's NOTHING compared to Jasper County's 12.93 inches of rain!! My friend Marianne sent me the following pictures. I used to live just up the road from this location in college. To all my Joplin buddies....Stay dry!!!
7th and Illinois in Joplin

Connecticut at Campbell Parkway (Flooding in the GHETTO)

Monday, June 11, 2007


I am sooooo bored!! Incredibly, utterly, insanely bored. This is night two of "the boredom". I don't want to watch television. I have read every book I own, MULTIPLE times. Jeremy isn't home, Tanner is in bed. I already shaved my legs and painted my toenails. WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO??????

When I worked for Matt, I would come home utterly drained with energy enough to cook supper spend some time with Tanner and then crash (while stressing about something that needed to be done). I don't HAVE that anymore...which is wonderful, but I have excess energy now, and nothing to do with it.

This weekend, I mentioned to Jeremy that I would like to learn how to DO something. Like maybe sew or crochet. Then I had a flashback to junior high home economics class and Mrs. Pitts telling me that I would NEVER be an interior decorator because I COULD NOT sew. Of course, I also recall not learning HOW to sew because I was too busy staring at a cute guy in my class. But that's not the point. The point is that I have time to fill and nada to fill it with. So , I ask you, the family and friends that I adore so much...any suggestions??

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Tanner and the Burning Bush

Tanner is enthralled with his Bible Story Book. Every night we read one of the stories from it, we look at the pictures and talk about God, and then we tuck Tanner into bed (storybook in hand). Last night Tanner was "reading" the book to me. He told me about the "pretty garden and the Bad snake", and he told me about "peoples putting a baby in the water and the queen finding him". When he got to the part about Moses and the burning bush he studied the picture for a while and looked and me inquisitively.

Tanner: Mommy, who fired this tree??

Mommy: God made the bush burn for Moses

Tanner: Why?

Mommy: God was trying to get Moses' attention so he could talk to him, and sometimes God has to do drastic things so people will notice. Moses saw the burning bush and knew God was there.

Tanner: (Eyes wide) Is God going to fire OUR tree???
I love my four year old!!!!

It's going to be a beautiful day here in the Ozarks. Tanner and I are going to go play. I hope you all play a little too!

Monday, June 04, 2007


I do two things every night when I get home. I get Tanner a snack, and I sit down at the computer to check my e-mail and get caught up with all the news that's fit to report. Usually the news is pretty straight forward. Weather reports, traffic reports, the occasional interesting headline. Sometimes....SOMETIMES I get a story that really makes me want to cry with the simplicity of it. I had a winner today.

I am not sure what bothers me the most about this report, the fact that The News-Leader printed an article that should just be a "DUH" thing, or the fact that if the News-Leader DIDN'T print the article then some stupid redneck would be mauled by a bear cause he thought his deer rifle would do the trick. SIGH.
Happy Monday Everyone! Despite the fact that my "news" was lacking in substance, I had a phenomenal day. Tanner and I are getting ready to go for a walk and enjoy some fresh air. And then R-E-L-A-X-A-T-I-O-N.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Holy Time Warp, Batman!

It's June 1st!!! I was shocked and amazed when I looked at the calendar this morning. Where in heavens name did the time go??? Before we know it 2007 will be over...I hope you are all having as much fun as I am.

I really am having fun. For the first time in a long time, I love my job, I love the people I am around, I love myself. I have been processing claims for two weeks now with seven weeks of training left to go, and every day is a blast...we laugh, we learn, we get frustrated together, and then we take a deep breath and figure out. My co-workers are quickly becoming my friends...and a wonderful support system. Although, we don't always communicate as effectively as we should.

(Scene opens on Juli and co-workers chatting before work this morning. It is Friday, everyone is in good spirits and Juli, as always, is incredibly smart (and beautiful, but that's not really the point right now)).

Angela: Do you work on tax???

Juli: (blinking rapidly several times in confusion) Huh?

Angela: (Patiently) Do you work on tax??

Juli's Inner Monologue: What on earth is she talking about?? I don't know what it means to work on tax! I am obviously stupid or I would understand what she is talking about---well I should fess up that I don't know what that is.

Juli: I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by "work on tax".

Angela: (obviously stunned into speaking very slowly) Dooooooo. Yoooooou. Wear. Contacts.

A voice from two chairs down: Of course I know how to relax!

(cue the hysterical laughing at Juli's stupidity...close curtain)

The weekend is here. I am hanging out with Tanner. We are having a wonderful gourmet dinner of bologna sandwiches and Cheetos (Tanner's choice). I have given you ample time to laugh at me. So I will bid you all adieu and go spend some much needed quality time with my favorite little man. XOXOXOXO