Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Bring on the hot weather, swimming pools and sunscreen, summer is here!!!! Ok, I don't really love summer, I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I am just trying to pump myself up about it. Those of you who know me best know that I am a fall kind of girl. The BEST thing about summer is that fall is just around the corner!

I've had a busy and wonderful week. I got a phone call Wednesday on my way home from work from Chyna begging me to meet them after work the next day and hang out, so Thursday after work I met up with them and we had a blast. Chyna and myself and "the boys" (Chris, Trulane, and Todd) spent a few hours at Big Whiskey's catching up and just having a good time in general. I totally BLEW my no caffeine rule and had three diet cokes while we were there, so I am now again forced to go through the dreaded caffeine withdrawal. What that REALLY means is that Juli will be meaner than a rattle snake Monday and Tuesday.

Tanner is wonderful. Daddy let him stay up late on Thursday night so that I could put him to bed, well that and so he could watch the result show of So You Think You Can Dance. But I came in and he ran up to me and said, "I missed you mommy, you look beautiful." AWWWWW. Today he made a bit of a mess with some lucky charms and as he and I were sitting in the floor picking up magically delicious marshmallows he told me that I was the best Mommy in the whole wide world. DOUBLE AWWWWW. I wish I could keep him this age forever. I think he wouldn't mind. He told me yesterday as we were driving home that he was going to buy a motorcycle. I'm not a fan of them and told him that when he was all grown up and didn't live with Mommy and Daddy anymore, that he could buy one. He thought about that for awhile and said, "No, I'm just gonna stay here and be your son forever." I love him.

1 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Ok, I don't know how much I like you any more. Sierra tells me that I am a mean mommy.

Just kidding, I still like you as much as I always have, I just can't believe that you don't like summer. Hello, swimming, need I say more? I could live without 100 degree temperatures though.

You do know that they make caffenine free diet sodas, right? And why are you swearing off caffenine? You work and take care of a husband and 4 1/2 year old, girl, you NEED caffenine. It's your friend.