I do two things every night when I get home. I get Tanner a snack, and I sit down at the computer to check my e-mail and get caught up with all the news that's fit to report. Usually the news is pretty straight forward. Weather reports, traffic reports, the occasional interesting headline. Sometimes....SOMETIMES I get a story that really makes me want to cry with the simplicity of it. I had a winner today.

I am not sure what bothers me the most about this report, the fact that The News-Leader printed an article that should just be a "DUH" thing, or the fact that if the News-Leader DIDN'T print the article then some stupid redneck would be mauled by a bear cause he thought his deer rifle would do the trick. SIGH.
Happy Monday Everyone! Despite the fact that my "news" was lacking in substance, I had a phenomenal day. Tanner and I are getting ready to go for a walk and enjoy some fresh air. And then R-E-L-A-X-A-T-I-O-N.
3 hugs and kisses:
Now right here is an area I see that the Springfield area could save some money.
There is absolutely NO need to pay a conservation agent to "urge" residents to avoid contact with a bear.
I have no doubt that the bear is completely capable of "urging" residents to avoid contact without any assistance at all from a conservation agent.
I have to agree with Juli on this, if they weren't urged to stay away, the bear would kill some moron.
It's like the directions on "Red Barron" singles. Remove from plastic wrapper. Cook completely before eating. I mean just how stupid are some people?
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