Friday, June 01, 2007

Holy Time Warp, Batman!

It's June 1st!!! I was shocked and amazed when I looked at the calendar this morning. Where in heavens name did the time go??? Before we know it 2007 will be over...I hope you are all having as much fun as I am.

I really am having fun. For the first time in a long time, I love my job, I love the people I am around, I love myself. I have been processing claims for two weeks now with seven weeks of training left to go, and every day is a blast...we laugh, we learn, we get frustrated together, and then we take a deep breath and figure out. My co-workers are quickly becoming my friends...and a wonderful support system. Although, we don't always communicate as effectively as we should.

(Scene opens on Juli and co-workers chatting before work this morning. It is Friday, everyone is in good spirits and Juli, as always, is incredibly smart (and beautiful, but that's not really the point right now)).

Angela: Do you work on tax???

Juli: (blinking rapidly several times in confusion) Huh?

Angela: (Patiently) Do you work on tax??

Juli's Inner Monologue: What on earth is she talking about?? I don't know what it means to work on tax! I am obviously stupid or I would understand what she is talking about---well I should fess up that I don't know what that is.

Juli: I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by "work on tax".

Angela: (obviously stunned into speaking very slowly) Dooooooo. Yoooooou. Wear. Contacts.

A voice from two chairs down: Of course I know how to relax!

(cue the hysterical laughing at Juli's stupidity...close curtain)

The weekend is here. I am hanging out with Tanner. We are having a wonderful gourmet dinner of bologna sandwiches and Cheetos (Tanner's choice). I have given you ample time to laugh at me. So I will bid you all adieu and go spend some much needed quality time with my favorite little man. XOXOXOXO

5 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

No one thinks that you are stupid, not the coworker that said "Of course I know how to relax" after it was said slowly, that is another story all together.

Mark and I got to see the baby yesterday. The doctor couldn't find its heartbeat, so he did a real quick ultrasound just to make sure that the munchkin was ok. It was, and doing kick boxing no less.

Juli said...

THAT particular co-worker is Patrick, the "token guy" in our class of women. He is hysterical and is now known as my partner in crime. If only I could behave ;) They know deep down, I'm not stupid...but you have to admit I have my moments. Are you taking belly pics of the pregnancy?? If so, post 'em on your blog...I wanna see!!!

momndad said...

A sure way to prove to them your brilliance would be to allow Tanner to come back to Kansas.

They could not doubt your superior intellect then!

Juli said...

He would love that--all he can do is talk about Grandpa and Grandma.

Buffie said...

I haven't yet, it has not changed (I keep losing weight).