Monday, June 11, 2007


I am sooooo bored!! Incredibly, utterly, insanely bored. This is night two of "the boredom". I don't want to watch television. I have read every book I own, MULTIPLE times. Jeremy isn't home, Tanner is in bed. I already shaved my legs and painted my toenails. WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO??????

When I worked for Matt, I would come home utterly drained with energy enough to cook supper spend some time with Tanner and then crash (while stressing about something that needed to be done). I don't HAVE that anymore...which is wonderful, but I have excess energy now, and nothing to do with it.

This weekend, I mentioned to Jeremy that I would like to learn how to DO something. Like maybe sew or crochet. Then I had a flashback to junior high home economics class and Mrs. Pitts telling me that I would NEVER be an interior decorator because I COULD NOT sew. Of course, I also recall not learning HOW to sew because I was too busy staring at a cute guy in my class. But that's not the point. The point is that I have time to fill and nada to fill it with. So , I ask you, the family and friends that I adore so much...any suggestions??

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

You are bored but you can't call your Mother!!!
There is something wrong with this picture.

Buffie said...

Well, you could take up painting, or baking (not suggested for anyone wanting to lose weight, unless you have many friends willing to eat your wares).

Although, if you really want to learn how to sew, you need to look no farther than me. The first little dress that I made for Sierra left a little to be desired (that was almost 3 years ago) and now I take the 200 plus patterns that I have and change them to suit what I want.

All that I ask is that after I teach you what you want you continue to talk to me. The last person that I taught to sew, got what she wanted and then avoided me like the plague. :(

Juli said...

You would swear from the ANONYMOUS comment left on this blog that my mother is jewish. Let me assure you she is not--but I have been a bad daughter and haven't called for probably a week and a half--Consider me slapped on the hand.

Buffie, I am afraid that my sewing compared to yours would be shameful. SHAMEFUL!!!

Buffie said...

That can be fixed (with practice).