Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happenings...and other trifles

A Polygamist sect leader was arrested today, by the way--has anyone talked to Jeremy at all??? He seems to be missing...wonder what that's about?? Ok, maybe not, life has been kind of dull I have to spice things up a bit--It would be exciting if the article were about my husband though, right??? Come on! You have to see a little humor in that! But you all know that Jeremy would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS be a sect leader. I write things like this knowing that he RARELY reads this blog, so I can joke at his expense.

So here's a quick update of happenings in Bradshaw Land.

I had the world's shortest job interview today. I'm not kidding...four minutes. I timed it. I have no delusions that I might be getting a call back from this particular company...but it's ok cause they sought ME out. (Sorry about ending that sentence in a preposition--but you're going to have to live with it!).

Jeremy has a phone interview tomorrow with Jack Henry (yes....again!). I have to give props to him--he has made up his mind that he is going to get on with the company, and he is earnestly pursuing it. What a trooper!

Tanner and I are getting sick again. This will be our third cold/sinus infection of the summer. I think we need to up our vitamin intake. Today was day two of said infection...tomorrow will be the BAD day (I base this on past experiences), and then by Friday we should be feeling better.

I am an emotional wreck right now. Have you realized that my baby is turning four?? Jeremy and I were lying in bed last night discussing birthday plans when it hit me. I couldn't contain my tears (I'm welling up now just thinking about it!). My wonderful husband didn't say a word--he just held me, like any good husband would do--secretly I think he teared up too! Before I even have time to blink, he will be in kindergarten--how do other moms do it??? **Related note--I have been temporarily blinded from my mascara--OH THE AGONY!!!** I guess I can't stop the world from spinning though, so I will just have to come to terms with it.

See, I told you things hadn't been too exciting here lately...peaceful, really. But I share anyway, knowing that you love me and my rantings.

By the way, has anyone seen the previews for the Rock's new movie????? Phewt-phew!

I LOVE ME SOME ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

I Saw the previews!!!!!!! I'll go see it with you!