Sunday, January 28, 2007
I am a Red-liner
Posted by Juli at 1/28/2007 09:35:00 PM 5 hugs and kisses
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Tanner and I are home alone right we typically are on Saturday nights. I don't usually mind being home alone, but tonight I am a bit freaked out. I keep hearing strange noises coming from one of the vents in the living room. Actually, it's the one right next to the computer. I can't believe I am even sitting here right now. If my instincts are correct, then I have a mouse. Let me say that again for those of you who dismissed it as NOT BEING A BIG DEAL. I HAVE A MOUSE! A tiny, furry rodent with big beady eyes and a long skinny tail is in all liklihood sitting in my vent right now....watching me, and waiting for the opportunity to scurry across the floor. Which, as you know, would only cause chaos. I am twenty seven years old, but let me paint a picture of what it might look like here if I actually were to see this mouse. Picture me, standing atop whatever piece of furniture happened to be closest (probably the couch), with whatever weapon I had available (if I had to guess an empty water bottle) being waved menacingly toward the offensive creature. I would most likely be jumping up and down on one leg and shrieking. Do you have a good mental image going? I know it might be silly to be afraid of a little mouse, but for whatever reason, they frighten me. When Marianne and I were in college and living at the Park, we had a mouse in our apartment one night. We completely freaked out and lured it onto the balcony with a slice of pizza. Then we shut the door and watched it as it tried to claw its way back in. I am guessing it was trying to seek revenge for being ousted. I still get the creepy crawlies when I think about it.
So you were all apparently tired of my Monday post and felt I had been neglecting you this week. I apologize. We've had a busy week here...still kind of dull, but busy. Jeremy got the yard cleaned up...which basically means he got to buy a chainsaw. He called me at work on Wednesday from Home Depot giggling because he had found one that he NEEDED. I couldn't really tell him no. Well, I could have...but then his grandmother would have had to loan us her chainsaw...and that means that she would actually have to come to the house...and THAT, my friends, is the only thing I fear worse than the mouse. I worked late a few nights this week. Michele and I haven't even started the 1099's or the W-2's that HAVE to be done next week. So on the nights that I wasn't working late I was in bed by 9 or 9:30. I am just very tired right now. I need to take a LONG a tanning bed or on a beach. I keep telling myself Spring will be here soon.
Gotta run. I just remembered that I have movies due back tonight and Jeremy doesn't want to go back out "into the freezing cold" since he just walked in the door, so I will have to go. I will update you all again very soon--and next time with pictures!!!
Posted by Juli at 1/27/2007 08:55:00 PM 3 hugs and kisses
Monday, January 22, 2007
Posted by Juli at 1/22/2007 09:08:00 PM 4 hugs and kisses
Friday, January 19, 2007
Jeremy and Tanner have spent a LOT of time together this last week. Jeremy was home Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with him while I was working. Carol is STILL without power...poor woman! Typically Jeremy works from 10 to 9 (or later) on Friday nights, but without a babysitter we've had to rearrange our schedules a little. So I worked an earlier schedule today so he could go in and work for a while tonight, and then he has to work Sunday to make up the rest of the hours. Tanner was NOT happy when Daddy left for work tonight. He sulked for about an hour and asked every ten minutes or so if Daddy would be home soon. It's official. Mommy is chopped liver and Daddy is the coolest guy in the whole wide world. But don't worry, I am already scheming of ways to win back Tanner's affection this weekend. Since Jeremy is working Saturday and Sunday I have 48 wonderful hours with my little boy. There will be forts and cartoons and dancing and LOTS of hot chocolate. With another snow storm coming through we might as well have all the fun inside that we can. This time, we have fire wood, and propane, and all things that we might need to stay warm. So wish us well and say a prayer for everyone here in Southwest Missouri who is still without power (HONDO!!!). I'll check in again soon.
Posted by Juli at 1/19/2007 09:48:00 PM 5 hugs and kisses
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
We Made It!
Posted by Juli at 1/16/2007 02:50:00 PM 4 hugs and kisses
Saturday, January 13, 2007
In the Daylight...
Currently we still have power (obviously, since I am blogging). But there are 50,000 City Utilities customers who aren't so lucky. So today, while there seems to be a break, I am cooking enough food to get us through the weekend. You know, stuff that doesn't taste bad cold. Hey, if the power stays on, at least all I will have to do is reheat and eat!! I hope all of you are weathering the storm well. Stay warm!!!
Posted by Juli at 1/13/2007 11:16:00 AM 3 hugs and kisses
The Ice Man Cometh
Um...the winter storm is here. With a vengeance. It is currently 3:25 a.m. on Saturday Morning and I am WIDE awake people! Oh come on, you know what it takes for something like THAT to happen. Well, my wake up call came in the form of an enormous branch crashing down on the roof directly above my bed. I spent some time on the front porch for a little while and it sounded a somewhat like the fourth of July outside. You can hear snapping, crackling, and popping from miles away. If I still have power tomorrow I will share some pictures with you. Our yard already looks like a war zone and they're saying it's only going to get worse. Actually, they are saying that this is the worst ice storm in 25 years. I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out. Well, I should probably try to get some more sleep...Tanner won't care if I have been up half the night. I just wanted to give you all a status update in case I can't check in later. Nighty Night all!
Posted by Juli at 1/13/2007 03:23:00 AM 0 hugs and kisses
Saturday, January 06, 2007
What Happened to the Pineapple Under the Sea???
Spongebob is on my ceiling. I'm not kidding. Apparently he has fled Bikini Bottom and is seeking solace above my love seat. Take a look.
He's been there all day and has managed to not come crashing down to the hardwood and what would ultimately be his death. Well, perhaps he hasn't been there all day. I think Tanner chucked him up there sometime just after noon...but still that's a LONG time.
So, if you have been expecting a phone call from me and haven't gotten one, don't fret. I am fine...better than fine, actually. But for the last week, my cell phone has been MIA. I found it at around three o' clock this afternoon wedged between some couch cushions. I also came across four dollars in change, a pair of scissors and a tangerine (you win a prize if you can tell me who I borrowed that bit from). I was so happy to find it. I learned that I CAN function without my cell phone--but that I never want to have to do it again. I do not have a single phone number memorized for anyone I actually call, however, I remember phone numbers of people I haven't spoken with in years. My theory is that seven or eight years ago, my brain filled up with all the information that it could hold and since then it has not been accepting any NEW information. Instead, I make lists of things I need to know and keep them in an easy to find spot. And of course phone numbers go in the phone. I can't tell you how many times I said, "I have to call my Mom and tell her that..." and now that I have my phone I can't remember what I wanted to say.
Also, to my father whom I love very much, for some reason I can't send you instant messages anymore (sniffle)--I think my MSN is possessed. I have tried to answer you every time you have talked to me this week, and I keep getting a "this message could not be delivered to the recipient" error. I tried re-adding you as a we'll see what happens. But I am not ignoring you.
Well people, it's time to say adieu for now. But I will be back a bloggin' soon, and I will DEFINITELY be calling.
Posted by Juli at 1/06/2007 09:10:00 PM 3 hugs and kisses
Friday, January 05, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Typically, I have a pretty negative attitude when it comes to the month of January. It has never been anywhere close to my favorite month of the year. I'm more of a September kind of gal. January is just YUCKY! It's gray and cold and I work fifty hours a week. Why??? Taxes. Need I say more? And it has begun. This year, I think Michele and I are doing the tax stuff for only 20 of the 27 Matt Miller affiliates so we'll get a break. (If you do not notice the sarcasm DRIPPING from that line, then you are not my true friend.) There are other things that I don't like about January...but it's complicated and do we really want to delve that far into my psyche? I think not.
Despite all the bad feelings and gloominess that I associate with January, I am going to make a real effort to make this one good. I had lunch with my friend Keisha yesterday. Every year for New Years, each member of her family picks out one word to describe the type of year that they want to have, and they make it their mantra for that year. This year, she picked "fun". I was a little surprised when she told me...not because it is out of the question...but because it's not something I would have thought of. But why not?? Why can't I wake up every day and think to myself, "today, I am going to have fun". I think it is because deep down I have told myself that being a responsible adult and Mommy that I am not allowed to have fun, now I have to be serious all the time. Poppycock and Rubbish. I told Keisha that I was going to steal her word for the year. Don't worry, she was ok with it. So this is my year of bout it ya'll, anyone up for joining me????
Posted by Juli at 1/03/2007 09:08:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Everyone! May 2007 bring much joy and prosperity to all of you, may the Lord bless you richly, and may the love of your friends and family see you through every single day! We love you!
Posted by Juli at 1/01/2007 01:45:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses