Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Ice Man Cometh

Um...the winter storm is here. With a vengeance. It is currently 3:25 a.m. on Saturday Morning and I am WIDE awake people! Oh come on, you know what it takes for something like THAT to happen. Well, my wake up call came in the form of an enormous branch crashing down on the roof directly above my bed. I spent some time on the front porch for a little while and it sounded a somewhat like the fourth of July outside. You can hear snapping, crackling, and popping from miles away. If I still have power tomorrow I will share some pictures with you. Our yard already looks like a war zone and they're saying it's only going to get worse. Actually, they are saying that this is the worst ice storm in 25 years. I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out. Well, I should probably try to get some more sleep...Tanner won't care if I have been up half the night. I just wanted to give you all a status update in case I can't check in later. Nighty Night all!

0 hugs and kisses: