Saturday, January 06, 2007

What Happened to the Pineapple Under the Sea???

Spongebob is on my ceiling. I'm not kidding. Apparently he has fled Bikini Bottom and is seeking solace above my love seat. Take a look.

He's been there all day and has managed to not come crashing down to the hardwood and what would ultimately be his death. Well, perhaps he hasn't been there all day. I think Tanner chucked him up there sometime just after noon...but still that's a LONG time.

So, if you have been expecting a phone call from me and haven't gotten one, don't fret. I am fine...better than fine, actually. But for the last week, my cell phone has been MIA. I found it at around three o' clock this afternoon wedged between some couch cushions. I also came across four dollars in change, a pair of scissors and a tangerine (you win a prize if you can tell me who I borrowed that bit from). I was so happy to find it. I learned that I CAN function without my cell phone--but that I never want to have to do it again. I do not have a single phone number memorized for anyone I actually call, however, I remember phone numbers of people I haven't spoken with in years. My theory is that seven or eight years ago, my brain filled up with all the information that it could hold and since then it has not been accepting any NEW information. Instead, I make lists of things I need to know and keep them in an easy to find spot. And of course phone numbers go in the phone. I can't tell you how many times I said, "I have to call my Mom and tell her that..." and now that I have my phone I can't remember what I wanted to say.

Also, to my father whom I love very much, for some reason I can't send you instant messages anymore (sniffle)--I think my MSN is possessed. I have tried to answer you every time you have talked to me this week, and I keep getting a "this message could not be delivered to the recipient" error. I tried re-adding you as a we'll see what happens. But I am not ignoring you.

Well people, it's time to say adieu for now. But I will be back a bloggin' soon, and I will DEFINITELY be calling.

3 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Since no one ever has a new years resolution anymore...mine is to have one. It is to put all the phone numbers from my cell phone into my address book. You should do the same. God only knows what would happen in an emergency and I couldn't find the number.

Juli said...

OOH That's a good one! Very clever--look for posts this weekend!

Anonymous said...

yeah so I got very ticked off the other day and threw my phone on the floor. My screen is now dark, I don't know who is calling until I hear the voice. I can't call anyone unless I know the number which is my parents house number and Steve's cell. I just blew my resolution all to hell until Steve gets me a new phone. Urgh.

Yeah I am with mom, I am getting bored with sponge bob. Good job Tanner!!!