Tuesday, January 16, 2007

We Made It!

Well everyone, the storm is FINALLY over and the Bradshaw's made it through. It was pretty miserable at times. When the temperature in your house is forty degrees, you haven't showered in days, and you can't move more than ten feet from each other without freezing, you tend to get a little testy. Tanner was bored out of his mind, and Jeremy and I were worried about keeping him needless to say there were a few tense moments, but the power is back on now, and the house is registering a FABULOUS 70 degrees. Tanner is sitting on the couch looking at some books and listening to his Backyardigans CD. I am at home today, since Tanner's babysitter is still without power.

This morning, I heard that there were 30,000 city utilities customers that hadn't yet been restored. There have been crews working around the clock to get everyone back up. The National Guard has been going door to door checking to make sure people are making it OK. I have heard that President Bush is allowing FEMA to come in to aid in the cleanup (which means that by August or so everything should be back to normal :o)!!!). Everyone is working so hard to help out...and I am incredibly grateful.

Aside from the limbs we will have to clean up (the picture above is a view from my front porch) and the one small hole in the roof, we're no worse for the wear. Thanks everyone for the prayers and the support. You are the most awesome family and friends a girl could have!

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

You know if I had my own car, I would be down there pickin up limbs for you. You could be inside with both our babies, but you'd have to have hot chocolate ready for me. Barron and I are very good sorces of heat, Steve is always kicking off the blankets. I am happy to hear that all is well and things are being taken care of. Good deal!

Juli said...

"Rustic". Yes, that's a good way of putting it.

Buffie said...

I'm glad to hear that you guys are all ok, and I thought that 2 days without cable was tough.

Are you ready for Winter round 3? It is supposed to start on the 20th, the talk is no ice just snow.

Juli said...

We're as ready as we can least we have fire wood!!