Friday, January 19, 2007


Jeremy and Tanner have spent a LOT of time together this last week. Jeremy was home Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with him while I was working. Carol is STILL without power...poor woman! Typically Jeremy works from 10 to 9 (or later) on Friday nights, but without a babysitter we've had to rearrange our schedules a little. So I worked an earlier schedule today so he could go in and work for a while tonight, and then he has to work Sunday to make up the rest of the hours. Tanner was NOT happy when Daddy left for work tonight. He sulked for about an hour and asked every ten minutes or so if Daddy would be home soon. It's official. Mommy is chopped liver and Daddy is the coolest guy in the whole wide world. But don't worry, I am already scheming of ways to win back Tanner's affection this weekend. Since Jeremy is working Saturday and Sunday I have 48 wonderful hours with my little boy. There will be forts and cartoons and dancing and LOTS of hot chocolate. With another snow storm coming through we might as well have all the fun inside that we can. This time, we have fire wood, and propane, and all things that we might need to stay warm. So wish us well and say a prayer for everyone here in Southwest Missouri who is still without power (HONDO!!!). I'll check in again soon.

5 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

I like your new playlist! Hope you guys are staying warm up there.

Buffie said...

I would tell you what was told to me when I was complaining about Sierra-Lynn not being mommy's girl anymore, but it really wouldn't work for you since you work outside the home. The only advice that I can give is that you are his mommy and he will always love you no matter what. He is however a boy, so there will come a time when he and daddy will do things together that you are not allowed to do with them.
Just know that he loves you and that won't change (no matter what).

Anonymous said...

This just in...the 2007 fashion "it" thing for men is leggings. I just want to warn you now that the instant I see one man wearing these, I will personaly go to stores and cut the crotch of every pair I can find. What the heck...America?!

Hope all is well in the Bradshaw home.

Juli said...

Close your eyes and just for a moment picture John Atwood in a pair of leggings. EWWWWW! I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. ;o)

This is NOT a trend I wish to see!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I can't do that cause his family jewels would be hanging out. Great now I have to throw up.