Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Typically, I have a pretty negative attitude when it comes to the month of January. It has never been anywhere close to my favorite month of the year. I'm more of a September kind of gal. January is just YUCKY! It's gray and cold and I work fifty hours a week. Why??? Taxes. Need I say more? And it has begun. This year, I think Michele and I are doing the tax stuff for only 20 of the 27 Matt Miller affiliates so we'll get a break. (If you do not notice the sarcasm DRIPPING from that line, then you are not my true friend.) There are other things that I don't like about January...but it's complicated and do we really want to delve that far into my psyche? I think not.

Despite all the bad feelings and gloominess that I associate with January, I am going to make a real effort to make this one good. I had lunch with my friend Keisha yesterday. Every year for New Years, each member of her family picks out one word to describe the type of year that they want to have, and they make it their mantra for that year. This year, she picked "fun". I was a little surprised when she told me...not because it is out of the question...but because it's not something I would have thought of. But why not?? Why can't I wake up every day and think to myself, "today, I am going to have fun". I think it is because deep down I have told myself that being a responsible adult and Mommy that I am not allowed to have fun, now I have to be serious all the time. Poppycock and Rubbish. I told Keisha that I was going to steal her word for the year. Don't worry, she was ok with it. So this is my year of bout it ya'll, anyone up for joining me????

2 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

I think that sounds like a great idea. And who says that moms can't have fun while being responsible? Here's to a fun 2007 for all.

Juli said...

That snide remarks section is just for you Daddy-o! Please also note that your message posted without my approval :) You are no longer being oppressed.