Monday, January 22, 2007

Another Monday has come and gone. Today was very quiet at the office and I got a lot done. Still not enough, but I felt like I had accomplished a great deal as I was crossing the last item off of my list. I even had time to rock out to some tunes while I was working.
I am really loving Pink's new song "U + UR Hand". It's another one of her angry girl songs...and Sara, you know how I adore angry girl music. It's probably because I grew up in the ghetto and was very under privileged. All those times that I had to take care of my seven siblings because my parents weren't around...Oh wait, that wasn't me...
Things are a bit slow around the Bradshaw ranch right now...nothing exciting in the least is going on. Although, last night, I almost C-H-O-K-E-D Jeremy. He didn't necessarily do anything wrong...I was just REALLY annoyed with everything yesterday. We were watching An American Haunting and he just didn't get it...and I absolutely abhor having to explain movies to people. It drives me bonkers. Anyway, the discussion ended with him STILL not getting the movie and me hatefully forbidding him to ever watch anything rated above a PG ever again. I might have overreacted. The movie wasn't even that good. I'll apologize later, and he'll probably forgive me.
Tanner and I had a good time this weekend. We rented some movies for him to watch and played with his new doctor set. He soooo didn't want to go back to Carol's this morning after being at home for a week. But I convinced him that he would have a lot of fun with his friends and told him he could take his Backyardigan's DVD. I am NOT above bribery people. I won, and he had a great time but was glad to get home for some cuddle time with Mommy. Or was it the other way around???
Well friends and family, it is currently 10:20, and I am fading quickly. Time to go and get some beauty rest. Sweet dreams to all of you, and don't forget to tune in for American Idol tomorrow night.

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Jules I have to commend you on your music selection. Some times I go to the site and blast the volume so I can jam while I do the laundry....whatever helps me get it done, right? I just picture you rockin' out at work, maybe even do a funky jive when no one is lookin. Just so every body knows....Juli can dance, she's possibly the only person I know who can dance better than me. Steve and his buddy do the old school moves, you know the one. Grab the ankle so the knee is bent and move your leg back and forth, and then there is the sprinkler. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

GREAT!!! Thanks a lot Sara! Now I'm in trouble for watching movies rated higher than PG AND Dancing!!! But I am glad you all are enjoying the tunes. I Heart Kirk Franklin!

Anonymous said...

Alright momndad....let me say it this time. Juli what the heck? It's been "monday" all week. What's next...wearing Tuesday undies on Friday?

Buffie said...

How was the movie? I have yet to see it, but if it is not any good than I won't waste the money.
And don't feel bad about bribing him, if it works use it (for now anyway).