Saturday, January 13, 2007

In the Daylight...

We made it through the rest of the night without too many more big limbs crashing down to the ground. But the daylight revealed a huge mess that will inevitably get bigger before it's all over with. Wave two and three are still to come!

Currently we still have power (obviously, since I am blogging). But there are 50,000 City Utilities customers who aren't so lucky. So today, while there seems to be a break, I am cooking enough food to get us through the weekend. You know, stuff that doesn't taste bad cold. Hey, if the power stays on, at least all I will have to do is reheat and eat!! I hope all of you are weathering the storm well. Stay warm!!!

3 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

I am glad that all of you are ok. I hope that you are able to some sleep soon.
My family and I are forunate that our power lines are underground and we have not lost power during any of these storms. (My sister-in-law has not been so lucky, neither of them.)
Stay safe and if you don't have to go anywhere, don't.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

We have been getting the sleet too, all night and most of this morning. But nothing to what you got. I feel bad for you guys. We are all snuggled up and watching Barron babble and play with his toys. He's gonna start crawling any day now. You'll never guess what happend to Steve...he has this weekend off. And of course the roads are to icky to travel on for the Henke's to visit the Bradshaw's. He's been promised a weekend a month so I told him the next weekend he has off we WILL be coming down. I'll bring chicken pot pie, a pumpkin roll and champange to celebrate!!

Juli said...

YUMMY!!! Of course I would take you guys over the chicken pot pie any day!! Love you both!