Sunday, June 11, 2006

Ah the Weekends...

Saturdays and Sundays are Fantastic aren't they?? They are almost sacred here--the weekend is really the only time we have to see each other. When Tanner and I leave in the mornings, Jeremy is still in bed and by the time he gets home of an evening Tanner is asleep and I am on my way to bed. So when the weekend rolls around we make every effort to spend as much time together as possible. It's true that Jeremy works on Saturdays. So Saturday is really a mom and Tanner day. We wake up together, because at some point in the morning he has crawled into bed with us, and the whole day is ours. I try never to take this day for granted. Yesterday was special because Uncle Hondo was here.
Aunt Jessica couldn't make it--but she'll be home really soon. We love you Aunt Jess--and we're awfully proud of your decision to serve our Country. Tanner can't wait to see you!!!

Yesterday, Uncle Hondo tried to teach Tanner how to play Horseshoes (Jeremy and I were "talked" into buying him a set one day when we were out shopping--hmmm, that happens a LOT). Hondo made a valiant effort and even ringed one--way to go Bro!!! But Tanner's attention span wasn't really where it needed to be to learn a new game. So we spent more time resetting the stakes after he had pulled them out of the ground. Horseshoes was a bust, so we quickly moved on to t-ball. Not to brag, (yeah right), but I think we've got the next big hitter!!!

As fun as yesterday was, today will be even more so. Jeremy, Tanner and I will have the whole day to just be a family and build memories that will last a life time. I can't wait to get started!!!

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Tanner is getting SO Big!!!! I bet he'll be a slugger.