Monday, June 12, 2006

Sunday, Muddy Sunday

What can be more fun than playing with your three year old on a Sunday afternoon??? Playing with your three year old in the water on a Sunday afternoon! That was how our day ended yesterday here at the Bradshaw home. What a fun day we had together.

We started at the park. This was a bittersweet moment for Tanner. He was happy to be going to the park--but, he was a little upset that it was NOT the park that Nana and Papa had taken him to in St. Louis. Thanks Mom and Dad for being facilitators in that temper tantrum. After he realized that he could still have fun at this particular park the merriment commenced! Even Jeremy couldn't resist the fun. Notice the HUGE smile (eye roll).

After the park, it was time to go home for a little nap. We wouldn't want TW to get overtired. Tanner did NOT nap--Mommy did. For THREE HOURS!!! So I missed a huge hunk of the afternoon, but the long nap was quite needed and it gave Jeremy and Tanner some good father/son time. I woke up to a massive water balloon fight in the front yard. Side Note: The water balloons were purchased on a secret trip while Mommy was napping. Tanner was soaked and looked a little muddy. Jeremy did not look worse for the wear. This makes me wonder if emotional scarring can occur if your Dad pelts you with water balloons??? But Tanner was laughing so hard and having such a good time that it was hard not laugh ourselves. From the water balloons, he moved onto the sprinkler, because he wasn't wet enough. After awhile, he emerged blue and shivering with an appetite that could only be satisfied with the weekly Sunday evening barbecue. Later I will post some pics of Tanner "grilling". All in all it was a splendid day.

I cannot get over what a wonderful age three is. It is so much fun to interact with Tanner and know that what we are doing is building who he will be twenty years from now. It is nothing short of amazing to witness the fantastic little boy he already is!

I love being a Mommy!!!

0 hugs and kisses: