Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day...

... to all of the wonderful men that I know who carry that title! Today is your special day. Happy Father's Day to you especially, Jeremy. Tanner is blessed to have such a wonderful daddy, you do a great job--and if I haven't told you lately how much I appreciate you, then know that I do!!!

I don't know how you all celebrated, but as I said in yesterday's blog we had a barbecue. It wasn't actually what we had hoped it would be. Jeremy's dad didn't come because he wasn't feeling well. So we entertained Jeremy's grandma Jewell and his Aunt Maggie. It was a fun time of just being together and exchanging what Jeremy likes to call "liver spot stories." As the three of us do not have any liver spots, you can guess who was doing all the talking.
Tanner did a lot of playing in the yard. Apparently, he, like myself isn't really into the liver spot stories. We invented a fun new game called "throw the ball on the roof and then run around the yard to find it after it lands in some mysterious location". Calorie Burning indeed!!!
That was our day here...nothing too out of the ordinary, kind of relaxing and very casual. The burgers were yummy, the conversation, and the activities were lively.

To my own wonderful Dad: Sorry I couldn't be with you today. I know you wouldn't have told me any liver spot stories!!! I want you to know that I love you so very much. We have been through it all, haven't we?? I sat on your knee, and played silly games with you. I fought with you and screamed terrible things in the heat of an argument. I watched you grip the door handle tightly, the first time you let me drive. I learned that you knew way more than I gave you credit for. I watched your eyes well with tears at the thought of walking your little girl down the aisle. I saw your face beam with pride when you held Tanner for the first time. You have been there for every important moment in my life! You have loved me when I was at my most unloveable, and have been my hero since the very first day we met! What more could a girl ask for from her Daddy?

I am so proud of you Dad! You have worked harder than anyone else I have ever met, and you did it all for your family. If they handed out prizes for commitment, I am sure yours would be the biggest of all. I hope that today, you took the time to just relax and enjoy yourself. Go get a bowl of ice cream and pop in "Napoleon Dynamite". You Deserve it!!! I love you LOTS!

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Tanner, you little cutie! Did you cook Aunt Shell a hotdog??