Monday, June 19, 2006

God Gives us the weekends... we can make it through the most unbearable of weeks--this is what I have decided. Here it is, Monday morning, and I am already daydreaming of Friday afternoon. Technically, I should be working--but I am tired and I can't concentrate. Do you suppose my boss would mind if I just sat in my office all day and did nothing?? Probably...too many of my fellow co-workers already do that.

Let me draw you of picture of what I mean by that.
Last Friday, the guys in the office behind me told me that it was "grout testing day." Ok, whatever, I work in a construction office, so I really don't see that as being a stretch. Four o' clock rolled around and, sure enough, the boys roll in with two grout buckets. Silly Juli asks innocently, "Can I help test grout??" Not that I had any intention of doing so, but it seemed to me like they were WAY to excited about grout testing, and I was really just wanting to give them a hard time about it. Todd, whom I adore, grinned his big, red-neck grin and said that if I wanted to test grout, then I was more than welcome to join the group. As he is saying this he is pulling off the lid to one of the two grout buckets to reveal...BEER!!! That's right folks, you heard it here first. What do you say to that???? I laughed and left them to their "grout testing". But it occurred to me that each of these individuals makes WAY more money than I do...SIGH!!! Since then it has also been revealed that they do this frequently--sometimes in the office, sometimes on the roof of the Wilhoit Building (which I think is a little too "Shawshank" for me). But hey, the building is on schedule and under budget so what can you do?? So my philosophy is that if they can take breaks to drink beer, then surely I can take breaks to daydream and blog!

I really wanted to share with you all why I am so tired today. You all know that Tanner has been having night terrors pretty frequently for the last three months or so. Well last week, he decided that this was not terrifying enough for his Mom. He is now sleepwalking. It's happened twice now. The first time being Thursday night at around 11:30 p.m. He walked into the dining room and just stood there. Jeremy was in the kitchen, and he asked Tanner if he was ok. Tanner just stood there and blinked several times and then it was as if he finally came around. He noticed Jeremy standing in the kitchen and said, "Daddy, what am I doing?" Jeremy tucked him back into bed and he slept soundly the rest of the night. Then yesterday, after playing pretty hard all day and having no nap, he had a pretty decent night terror around 10:30. I blame myself, because I meant to go wake him up and I got busy. After about 15 minutes, he finally woke up and we got him some water, and I sang him back to sleep. Then sometime around 2:30 this morning, I heard him start crying. So I got out of bed to go check and he was up standing next to the table in his room just sobbing. You're not supposed to wake them up, but I really didn't know what to I just hugged him. When he woke up he asked me if he could go back to bed. I tucked him back in and returned to my own bed...but I didn't sleep very well the rest of the night. We're concerned enough that we have decided to try to find some alarms for all of the doors in case he should wonder around and try to open one of them. It's very scary...and I just feel so helpless. Hopefully, it is something he will grow out of quickly.

Well, I have delayed the inevitable long enough I guess, back to work for me. On the bright side, there are only four more days until Friday!!!

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

You slacker...Get back to work ;o)
Guess that would apply to me too, right? Call me!!! I wanna know what you are doing tonight.