Friday, June 30, 2006

"Big Gimpin"

I have decided that three is the perfect age! If I could keep my litte guy three forever, I would!! But he's getting big so fast, and everyday is a new adventure for him and us. This week Tanner and Daddy, decided to tackle the trees in the front yard. Tanner needed a little help--but it made for some adorable photos!!

For those of you who have said a prayer for me this week, Thank you! It's been rough, but I really feel like I am doing better. I have some feeling back in my leg now and can actually lift my foot off the floor. That is a HUGE improvement over Tuesday and Wednesday. I had to drive today and that was extremely painful for the first ten minutes or so, and then that blessed numbness took over. My goal is to make a miraculous recovery over the four day weekend. I know Jeremy and Tanner are tired of TV Dinners, so they REALLY want me to be all better soon. I myself would like to sleep in my own bed again instead of the floor. On the bright side, Dorothy told me today that my skin is looking fantastic! (I will attribute this to all of the water I have to drink in order to counteract the dry mouth from the pain medication.) Perhaps everyone will be so busy looking at my gorgeous glowing skin that they won't notice my limp. At least I haven't lost my sense of humor!!! I'll keep you all posted on the healing process--Keep the prayers coming!!!

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something??? What in heaven's name happened?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Oops Sorry!!! I forget that I don't get to talk to you everyday like I do almost everyone else that reads this blog. Something happened with my back on's a disk problem and we don't know yet if it is ruptured. I think it's getting better--today my leg is hardly numb at all--but it HURTS REALLY BAD!!!!! I would almost prefer the numbness :0)