Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The MOST Disturbing Thing EVER!!!!

You will all have to forgive me for doing this, but I have to share it with you. I EAGERLY sit down at my desk this morning ready to begin the my day. Why?? Because I love my job so much that I can't wait to get started. (Are any of you buying this???) And I am normally greeted with the sight of my sweet little boy beaming at his mommy. Tanner is on my desktop at work right now, since I am taking a hiatus away from Thorsten Kaye (aka--the most gorgeous man ever!!!). I love to be able to be having a rough moment and look up to see my baby smiling at me. At least then, I can remember that it is all worth it. Today, I see this instead...

Meet John Birmingham. The Property Manager (and coincidentally my landlord) for the Miller Companies. He has been threatening to do this for some time--and with the help of Dorothy and Chyna in the office--it looks like he has finally succeeded. Lucky me! This all started one day when he walked past my office and noticed the picture of the hunky man on my desktop. I can't remember now if it was The Rock or Thorsten...doesn't really matter. We had a conversation about my affinity for a good looking torso...not the strangest conversation we've ever had, mind you. This was months ago--and every so often he'll just stop in my door and look at my computer screen and say "one day...". So now I must have some revenge. And I am NOT good at revenge at all. Except for that one time...but that's in the past and none of you need to know about it. I must maintain my halo. So if you have any ideas--feel free to leave one. As for the rest of the day, the picture will stay where it is and tomorrow I will go back to Tanner. And somewhere in between there will be a LONG scalding shower for cleansing!!!!

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

EWWWWWW!!!! Even I feel dirty!!!!!
After hearing enough of your work stories I truly believe these people may even be worse than Dora was! Do any of them wear stillettos and mini skirts??

Juli said...

No! OSHA requires that all the guys wear pants and steel toed boots :0)

Anonymous said...

Now ladies, lets not be too harsh on Mr. Birmingham. I happen to know for a fact that the man works out everyday! Working in downtown Springfield is a sure bet to get in plenty of walking. Yeah cause there is the Mudhouse, the Rasta Grill, and an occasional walk to Whilhoit. And you gotta know he puts in some serious leg lifts, well he always has his feet on his desk. I mean so what if he doesn't have a six pack! He's got a shiney head and a beautiful big nose, right? Ha Ha I love you Johnny B.

Anonymous said...
