Thursday, June 15, 2006


I am fairly certain that if a Doctor hasn't yet coined the phrase "mack-truckitis" that it will soon happen. This, if you can't guess, is that mysterious illness that you get and the only way you can describe how you are feeling is the ever popular "I feel like a mack truck has backed over me." This is how I felt this morning when I woke up, and sadly it is how I still feel. Normally when I feel this crummy, I call the one person who can make me feel better--Mom. I know, it's kind of sad. I'm 26 years old and I still want my mommy when I am sick. Today, I feel bad enough that I don't want to talk to anyone!

Jeremy is trying really hard to make me feel better. He let me sleep pretty much all afternoon and he took on the task of entertaining Tanner. I understand Tanner helped Daddy change the spark plugs in his truck. I am extremely sorry that I missed that. Right before Tanner was tucked into bed tonight, he wondered into our room where I was sprawled face down on the bed. I was floating somewhere between dreams and reality when I heard his sweet little voice say, "Good Night Mommy, I love you." And I felt a little kiss on my foot. I am positive that no matter how long scientists try, they will never create a better medicine than that.

So I have now climbed out of bed--looking stunning, I assure you. I am rocking the infamous "dead bird hair" look, and coincidentally feeling a little like a dead bird. But I have a hot cup of tea in my hand (provided by my husband), a cozy blanket on the couch to crawl under (also provided by my husband), and a good book to finish. I think I am well on my way to recovery!

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Poor Baby!!!! On the bright side, it sounds like you have Jeremy pretty whipped ;o)

Jeremy take good care of our little julebug.