Monday, November 20, 2006

Decking the Halls

Christmas seems to have come early to Casa de Bradshaw! Yesterday afternoon, Jeremy and I decided that it would be the best day to put up our Christmas tree since this next weekend is going to be so hectic. We haven't had one for the last three years, because there simply wasn't room for one at the Townhouse. Ok, that's not entirely true...we did have the little three foot fiber optic tree that we had on our end table. This year, that little tree is in Tanner's room on his coloring table. He loves having his own tree! So now that we have 2000 square feet to work with, we wanted to decorate. This will be, after all, the first year that Tanner actually knows what is going on. Of course, our old tree had been in a box for three years and definitely wasn't in good shape. We only had one choice.

Let the shopping begin!!!

Target was packed, but we managed to find the perfect tree for our little family...and they had some fantastic deals on decorations. Tanner was so excited the entire time, and kept insisting that we need one of this...or two of that. And we DEFINITELY had to have some "Christmas socks". He was so cute! But of course the REALLY fun part was actually decorating the tree!
Tanner got his little chair out to stand on so that he could help Daddy reach the higher branches...The only problem was that he didn't want to move his chair, so all the ornaments were ending up in the same spot! But with a little direction he did a great job! Now the only thing we're missing is the presents to go underneath it! I think the finished product is beautiful.

1 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

The tree is beautiful and the presents will come, they always do.
Just don't forget to read Tanner "The night before Christmas". He'll love it.