Friday, November 24, 2006

Let the dieting commence!

We are home safe and sound from the lovely state of Kansas. Thanksgiving was wonderful. Jeremy, Tanner and I left Springfield around 1:20 on Wednesday afternoon and began what probably should have been a four and a half hour trip to Mom and Dad's. Daisy was extremely carsick, however, so the trip did not go as quickly as it should have. But we arrived in Wellington at about 6:50. We got to sit in on my Dad's Wednesday evening lesson, which I enjoyed very much. Then the cooking began. I had a great time in my Mom's kitchen cooking for the family that I love...and we did a pretty good job even with just one oven rack...huh, Mom?

We laughed and talked and watched cartoons with Tanner. The puppies played together. And of course, we ate....and ate....and ate some more. I still managed to come home with leftovers. Jeremy and I agreed that this Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, but that next time we'll definitely want to stay a little longer. By the way, it only took us about four hours and forty-five minutes to get home. Jeremy had to work today, but I plan on enjoying my three day weekend as much as possible. I hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. I'm sure I will have lots of long weekend stories to share check back soon.

1 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Diet is such a dirty word. We just need to find a way to be healthy moms.