Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I Heart Jeremy

I love my husband. No really, I do. Lots and lots and lots. Wanna know why?? Well, let me elaborate. My birthday is in 13 days. Truth be told, I hadn't thought too much about it yet. Cause, really, 27 isn't too big a deal. We have a standing tradition as far as my birthday present goes. Every year in September, Disney releases an older Disney movie from their "vault" and does a "special edition" DVD. Because I love Disney movies so much, every year I get which ever one has been released for my birthday. This year, it happens to be The Little Mermaid. MY FAVORITE!!!! I have been anticipating it since September. Today, on my way home from work, I was talking to Jeremy on the phone, and he casually mentioned that he had picked up my birthday present. You know me--I immediately asked, "What is it?" He muttered something sarcastic. So I said, "Is it The Little Mermaid?" "No, I haven't picked that up yet, but we can go to Target and get it next week." COLOR ME SURPRISED!!!!! TWO Birthday presents!?!?!? He wasn't home at the time, but he informed me that it was on the table so I would see it when I got home. So I proceeded to speed (just a little) so that I could get home and see it.

Isn't she adorable??? Jeremy M-A-D-E- her for me at Build a Bear today. You can't really tell from the picture, but her shirt has lady bugs on it and says "Love Bug". Her shoes are little lady bugs. Inside her is a little pouch that holds a guardian angel, and a small pouch that holds confetti (which represents my hopes) is tucked inside her that I can whisper my wishes in her ear. I think she is the perfect birthday present! I am still very touched that my husband took the time to make something that is so representative of me instead of just going somewhere and buying something that someone else already has. HE SO GETS ME!

I named her Belle (for those of you who don't speak French, it means Beautiful). In addition to Belle, and the not yet received Little Mermaid, my husband has built me a roaring fire. And I am going to go and snuggle up in front of it and watch "Over the Hedge". So Good night to you all...and Jeremy, I really do love you lots and lots and lots!

0 hugs and kisses: