Saturday, November 18, 2006

This Week...

This week seemed to be crammed full of is Saturday and Jeremy and I are desperately trying to catch up on some much needed relaxation before we have to do it all again. Here's a rundown of some of the high points of the week...cause why would I want to dwell on the negative??

First, a long lost friend resurfaced. Buffie Bennett (Jarmin) found me magically and we have been reconnecting. It's been so nice to hear about her beautiful family and play catch up. She was one of my closest friends at one of the most awkward stages of my life and I feel blessed to have gotten a second chance to get to know her!

This week also brought the return of another friend whom you all know as RRRRRRAMONE! Roll the r, it sounds better. He has been repaired and looks as beautiful as he did the day we brought him home. I drove him yesterday and today, I think he missed me as much as I missed him.

Construction is slowly but surely wrapping up at work, which means that I will only be choking on drywall dust and paint for probably another two weeks. That will be a joyous day for if I can just get someone to replace the light bulb above my desk (it burnt out two months ago). I have hopes people! Don't take that away from me. One day I will tell you about the "Benefits" package that we have created for new hires. The highlight is the Free Fitness plan (parking seven blocks away and having to walk to the office from lack of downtown parking).

I'll leave you with a funny story that prooves my husband's patience. Thursday, I ran home for lunch to grab a nutritious and delicious protein shake. I mixed it up in one of Tanner's little cups and when I was done I tossed it in the sink. Somehow, it lodged itself in the drain...and WOULD NOT COME OUT! Jeremy stood at the sink for about thirty minutes. He finally, got the stubborn thing out. I took a picture of him wrestling with it...and I may have told him I WASN'T going to post it...I lied! Um, I think in this one he was asking me how on earth I had managed to get a cup that was bigger than the hole in the sink stuck. What can I say, I am gifted.

The look on his face is pure amazement folks! Doesn't he look cute in his new sweater and pants??? Gotta love him!

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I so love your kitchen. I have always wanted to do the italian cheifs theme. It looks roomy too, how wonderful. Jeremy, I must say you look handsome in your new duds!

Juli said...

I love my kitchen--it's one of my favorite rooms--Jeremy and JR stayed up until Dawn one morning putting up my Italian Chef border. Perhaps you should come see it in person????