Sunday, July 30, 2006

"Sweet" Sunday

One of the many truths that I have learned over the years is that when it comes to children the most memorable thing you can give them is your time. You could ask me what my parent's got me for just about any birthday and I probably won't remember. There are a few that I do--like the Tanya Tucker concert tickets I got for my thirteenth birthday, or the Gone With The Wind Music box I got on my 21st. But other that that they are lost on me. What I will ALWAYS remember, however, are the huge bonfires we used to have in the field next to the house, the days we spent at the lake together, our family vacation to South Dakota, riding in the back of my Dad's truck with Hondo all the way to Texas and playing "Guess Who". Tonight I want to talk specifically about the bonfires.

Dad would start a HUGE bonfire in the large empty field next to the house, and the roasting would begin. Almost always, we would include friends or other family. We would roast hot dogs and marshmallows and eat until we were almost sick. The time was filled with laughter and fellowship. We would spend hours together--simply enjoying each other's company. I have always wanted Tanner to have some of the same precious memories that I have...or at least get the opportunity to experience the things that I did. So tonight, we decided to have a "bonfire" of our own. The difference between living in the country and living in the city, is of course, the size of the bonfire. In Purcell, we probably could have set the entire field on fire and no one would have cared--here they aren't so much into that (plus since the fire in March Tanner has been a little timid). SO.....we cheated and used the grill. Hey, don't laugh--it was just as effective and I don't have to pay a fine.

The marshamallows were toasty and delicious, and we ate way more than we needed to, Tanner has a tummy ache, but I hope that in twenty years he will remember the first time he got to toast marshmallows with his Mom and Dad. I have no pictures to post since I learned in the first two minutes that marshmallows and cameras don't really go all that well together...sorry. But I assure you all that it was very sticky.....and also very sweet!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Today was BAD!!! I had one guy quit and another informed me that he has a job interview on New York. On top of all of that and fighting with people on the phone, I was just about ready for a weekend of gloom and doom. But alas, it is not to be. Guess who got a call back on the job????? ME THAT'S WHO!!! I have completed a successful phone interview and go in for the real thing next Friday. I have taken a whole vacation day for the event. They told me it could take anywhere up to four hours to complete the testing and the interview! I am very excited--I have been praying for a new opportunity to present itself for weeks. So everyone remember to say a prayer and wish me lots of luck!!!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Paging Dr. Bradshaw

Cirrus is sick :-( He's just kind of laid around for the last couple of days. I think it is probably nothing more than a cold--but those of you who know Jeremy know that Cirrus is his baby. I would go as far as saying that he might even love that cat more than he loves me. So when Cirrus isn't happy--no one is. Technically, Cirrus is supposed to be Tanner's kitty. As a matter of fact, Jeremy forbade me from letting him in the house that fateful day that he showed up on our porch. Fortunately, for all of us, I have never really been one to obey. He is a wonderfully sweet, cuddly ball of orange fluff whom we all adore.

Jeremy picked Tanner up from Carol's today and had already informed him that Cirrus wasn't feeling the SECOND he walked in the door he was shouting "You don't feel good, honey??" Yeah, he calls Cirrus "honey"--he also occasionally calls Jeremy honey...but I can't blame anyone but myself for that. Cirrus was laying lethargically in the kitchen floor, looking rather forlorn. Tanner practically threw himself on the cat to cuddle with him. Then he jumped up and ran for the bathroom and came back with his thermometer. What followed was nothing short of fantastically adorable. See for you
r self...

Dare I suggest that we might have a future vet in our presence???

Monday, July 24, 2006

We're not in Kansas Anymore!!!

I have decided that one of the most satisfying things in life has to be the feeling of warm sand between your toes. Even if that sand just happens to be in the next state over. So I didn't get to go to Hawaii, or Cancun, but my weekend left me feeling relaxed and refreshed and more than ready to start my week. Perhaps it was just being with the people I loved that made it so wonderful...who knows. But I do know that I will be doing it again very soon.

I loved everything about Wellington. My mom told me it would be like stepping back in time...I kind of felt that it was more like stepping over the rainbow. It has that small town feel that leaves you all warm inside. You know what I mean??? It's the kind of place where people who don't know you would wave at you, and tell you to have a good day. The kind of place where you can raise your kids! The church was fantastic. I am so happy that my parents have found somewhere that they can call home. The biggest surprise to me was that right in the middle of this sleepy little place was this fantastic park and family aquatic center. It was beautiful, and Tanner has asked me at least seven times since we have been home when he will get to go. Definately next time!!

Today, I am back in the metropolis of Springfield. Back to the fast pace and the angry drivers who have more colorful gestures than a simple wave. It's nice to be home even though I have left the quiet country behind. My cats missed me--my husband, not so much. Even though, I am very glad to be home, I have to say my weekend left me longing for the simplicity that only a small town can offer. Perhaps a move is in order???

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hugs from the Sunflower State

Hi everyone!!!! I am blogging from Kansas today, as Tanner and I took an impromptu trip to visit my parents. The drive went well--I'm going to brag on myself just a little bit and say that when it comes to getting somewhere I have never been before with virtually no direction, I am a pro!!! It took approximately four and a half hours to get here, which is a huge improvement over the eleven hours I was having to drive. Have I mentioned, Mom and Dad, that I love having you guys closer???

We have had a busy day. We woke up around eight this morning and headed for Wichita. Dad had some stuff he had to pick up for work. After we got back to Wellington, Dad headed over to the church to work for a little while, and then it was off to the lake. Tanner had a blast and I got to lounge in the sun for a while. Currently, Everyone is over at the church with a couple of girls from the youth group. They are leading the music for tomorrow evening's service--I wish I could stay for it, but I have to head back for Springfield around three. Right now, I need to find a song to sing in the morning. How is it that I got roped into singing for the morning service???

I am taking pictures, I promise...and I will post them for you all to enjoy when I get back home. That is, if my husband will let me back in the house...he may just be enjoying the peace and quiet a little too much!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Fountain of Youth

For hundreds of years, mankind has feared growing older. Ponce de Leon hoped to discover the Fountain of Youth, he was looking for something that simply doesn't exist. We spend billions of dollars a year on products that make us appear more youthful, or feel more youthful. Some even dare to go under the knife...all to hold on to firmer, smoother skin and lithe bodies for as long as they possibly can. I will admit to looking in the mirror and taking inventory of the small lines that have magically appeared from no where. I will even confess to having pulled a few (very small) gray hairs. But what bothers me more than seeing a wrinkle or two or discovering a few gray hairs is how I people every where must feel.

I feel ten years older than I am sometimes--and I have no one to blame but myself. At some point, I began taking life WAY to seriously. I am guilty of forgetting to stop and smell the roses, of not taking care of myself the way I should, of never just taking time to "play". I work too much, and I stress over things that in ten years will make no difference.

I look at Tanner and see joy personified in all that he does. That kind of innocent joy that knows no responsibilities or worries. His biggest problem is not being able to decide what new toy he wants to buy, or what flavor of ice cream he wants. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all experience that youthful exuberance again?? I propose that we can...and without surgery or lengthy journeys to find a magical fountain. I think the secret is in letting go of all of our cares every so often and just living.

Why don't we take some time and just play in the rain, or catch up with old friends?
Why don't we watch our favorite movies, or sing silly songs as loudly as we can in the car? Why don't we try something we have never tried before, like water skiing (Right Dad??), and laugh for absolutely no reason at all? Why don't we keep ourselves young at heart? I am going to make every effort to try...won't you join me??

Saturday, July 15, 2006


When Tanner is sick, he is very much my little man. Now days, that is rare as he would rather be rough housing with Daddy. But occasionally, I do get a glimpse of my "baby". I know that soon Tanner will be four, and as I reflect on how quickly time has passed and how much he has grown, I am a little sad. I know all moms wish that they could stay babies forever. Since they can't, I just wanted to take tonight and remember...

How tiny he was when we brought him home. How I loved to watch him sleep.

How making him smile was our mission, and how watching his face light up made our hearts do the same.

How watching him learn to do something new brought tears of joy to my eyes over the wonder that was Tanner.

How every day that I woke up to his beautiful eyes and wonderful smile was the best day ever.

Yes those days are behind me, never forgotten 0f course. And even though I am a little sad that the baby days are over, I am looking forward to seeing what is in store for us as Tanner continues to grow. For I know that whatever adventures wait around the corner he will attack with gusto and excitement as he has done from the beginning!

Friday, July 14, 2006

No rest for the weary

We are so tired. I honestly don't know how long it has been since I have been as completely worn out as I am now...and Jeremy is the same way. This week has been a challenge on us. My back is finally getting better (my ankle now hurts from all the limping around that I have done--but progress is progress), but Tanner and Jeremy are sick. Tanner is currently running a fever of 101.1, and I am expecting another sleepless night. My poor little man!

He crawled into bed with us this morning around two. He is afraid of ghosts...who isn't?? He was tired, but he fought sleep--I gave up at around five and took my alarm clock to the guest room so I could get a couple of hours of rest. Jeremy stayed up with him until six when they both finally fell asleep. This morning when we left for Carol's house, Tanner had bags under his eyes and was looking more than a little peaked. When I picked him up he looked even worse. He perked up for a little while when he saw Daddy--but you could still tell he wasn't feeling good. Any time TW sits for longer than five minutes you know that SOMETHING is wrong. Right now he is in his bed, but I am getting ready to go get him. When he isn't feeling well, I like to have him close. So tonight, Mommy will have the sleepless night and Daddy will get to sleep so he can endure a long ten hour day tomorrow. Lucky for him we have a comfortable couch! Hopefully this will be a short lived illness and tomorrow night we can all get the rest we deserve!!! Good night loved ones...I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Steppin' Out

Tanner and I went out tonight and what fun we had. Our friend and former neighbor Jord is moving this weekend to Iowa so the old gang got together for dinner at Nakato's--well minus Jeremy who had to work. For those of you who don't know, Nakato's is a Japanese steakhouse here in Springfield. The food is super pricey, but very delicious (Tanner's child's plate was $8!!!). At Nakato's they have large tables that seat about eighteen people and the chef's cook the food right in front of you. Tanner was awed by it all. He clapped at the flaming "onion volcano". And laughed when Louis (our chef) threw an egg in the air and caught it with his hat. He was so well behaved and I was very proud of my perfect little gentleman! The other guests at the table complimented him on his good manners :0) Of course with a three year old, you can't go out without having at least one mishap. Ours occurred right as we were leaving when Tanner spilled half a glass of water on his pants. Oh well! Other than that, the night was perfect. My only regret is that I didn't take the camera so I could share pictures with you all.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Am I thrilled that it is Friday??? Oh yes! Yeah, I know I only worked two days this week, but I would still rather be home. Ultimately that's what I be a stay at home mom. I want nothing more than to iron shirts and clean the house and have dinner waiting on the table every night when Jeremy comes home. Jeremy will probably read that and laugh (and you can quit chuckling too, Mom). I know I don't LOVE to clean, but really only because when I'm not working I just want to relax, but if it were all I had to do, I would gladly do it. I want to be home when Tanner gets home from school and have fresh baked cookies waiting for him to munch on while we do his homework together. Yup, that's what I want. There are a million other things I want, some of them frivolous, some of them not. But for now it's just an unfulfilled wish. Reality is a booger, isn't it. But it's the weekend, and my unfulfilled wish can be semi-reality for at least two days.

The real reason, I wanted to write this evening was to tell you all about this funny little Tannerism. It's my blog, I can make up words if I want to! Every time we get in the car Tanner wants to listen to "the c.d." I can count on it! "The c.d." is just one that Dad burned for me that's a mix of Christian Artists (Toby Mac, Casting Crowns, Kutless, and some more TobyMac and Kutless). I think I've only gotten to listen to the entire c.d once or twice. Why??? Because my son LOVES TobyMac. He will literally make me skip any song that is not a TobyMac song. Cross my heart. I don't know how he knows the difference, but he does. I don't really mind listening to the same four or five songs over and over again, because it's so hysterical to look in the rearview mirror and see him sitting there looking oh so cool in his sunglasses and bobbing his head in time to the music. And more than once I have caught other drivers looking at him and getting a good chuckle. That's my little entertainer! He's pretty musically inclined. (Not to be one of those crazy, pushy parents, but I kind of hope that he loves to sing as much as I do--he carries a tune--that's a start). Anyway, back to Tanner, he has pretty much memorized "Get this Party started" and "Catchafire"and he sings them all the time. Wednesday, the babysitter asked me why Tanner was always walking around saying "call me crazy, call me crazy". I just laughed. Maybe I should start putting a book together of "Tannerisms" to give to him when he starts college. It's the little things like this that I want to keep in my heart forever!!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Blog stops here!!! For now...

I have just about blogged 'til I can blog no more this week, but I wanted to post some more pictures of my baby! Enjoy everyone--this is going to have to tide you over until this weekend!! Lots of love to you all.

Juli: Movie Critic and Advice Giver Extraoirdinaire

Last night I watched the most disgusting movie that I have ever seen. It was so gory that I am here to keep you all from making a terrible mistake. If you have already seen it, then I am sorry I couldn't warn you in time. "The Hills Have Eyes" is a Wes Craven film, and in Wes Craven fashion has plenty of thrills and chills, it ALSO has plenty of horribly grotesque scenes that made me literally ill to watch. If you saw "Wrong Turn" then magnify THAT by about a thousand times and you will be somewhere close to what I saw. It's basis is the testing of Nuclear Warheads in the New Mexico desert between the 1940's and the 1960's. The nuclear fallout caused severe mutations of the citizens in the area making them crazed cannibalistic killers. ICK!!!! I spent the majority of the movie curled up in a little ball on the floor hiding my eyes, while Jeremy and Shelly laughed hysterically (sickos). Tonight, we will be watching "The Chronicles of Narnia", and "Chicken Little"--both are more up my alley. I give the movie a D- (I'd give it an F--but it's not the worst movie I have ever seen and it DID have a plot).

Now for that advice I speak of in the title. The next time you are in the market for a new vehicle and are out looking REMEMBER THIS--it is your responsibility to make sure that the dealership puts tags on the car you are about to test drive. If they don't then it could be YOU getting stuck with a $70 ticket. Jeremy and I went car shopping today, and we found one that we liked, the Mazda3. Jeremy decided to take it for a little spin and got more than he bargained for. I do think the dealership is going to pay for the ticket--but it's something for you all to remember.

I am very sad that my four day weekend is about to come to a close. Tomorrow it's back to the real world. On the brightside, I only have a three day work week! :0)

Happy Birthday Jeremy!!!!

The Birthday boy is a little tired from having to blow out all those candles!!! It's ok, Jeremy! Your nap is well deserved. Happy 29th! I hope this year you get everything your heart desires.

Here's my little fish enjoying his new pool. The water was frigid, but he played until his lips turned blue.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Breakfast: The Most Important meal of the day!!!

I got to sleep in this morning. I say that I got to, when in reality I don't think anything could have woken me up. These pills are very effective. So at around ten thirty I rolled out of bed (that sounds easier than it was, I assure you.) to find Tanner and Jeremy already at play in the yard. My first question, as with any good mom, was "Did Tanner have breakfast." Perhaps it was silly of me to ask, because I know that Jeremy wouldn't let Tanner go without breakfast. He's a responsible father who knows how to take care of his child. He looked at me like I was insane and replied, "of course he had breakfast". See...told you it was silly of me to ask. Tanner grinned his big grin at me and said sweetly, "I had a chocolate bar!" BUSTED!!!! Did my husband REALLY feed our child a chocolate bar for breakfast--oh yes he did. But don't worry, he didn't get it until after he had finished his Jack Links beef stick with cheese. I then had to listen to Jeremy's defense of "but it's protein and dairy". My eyes are still rolling.

Despite the breakfast fiasco, we enjoyed our day. The boys got hair cuts at Sports Clips, although Jeremy wanted to go to Too Hotties. If you're curious check out I'm sure he wanted to go for the free PB&J bar (another BIG eye roll). Then we went and picked up some fireworks for Tanner. Real fireworks are prohibited here in Springfield, but we did get him some sparklers, and smoke bombs and some cutesy ground stuff. He LOVED it. The big purchase of the day was a pool for Tanner (well, not too was on sale at Big Lots). I will post LOTS of pics tomorrow after he has gotten to enjoy it. Plus tomorrow is Jeremy's 29th Birthday, so I will have to get some pictures of the birthday boy as well.

But now it is time to just sit on the couch and relax. I have sent Jeremy out for some frozen custard...YUMMMMMM. Hopefully we can find a good movie on TV and just enjoy the rest of our evening. Good Night to you all!