Thursday, July 27, 2006

Paging Dr. Bradshaw

Cirrus is sick :-( He's just kind of laid around for the last couple of days. I think it is probably nothing more than a cold--but those of you who know Jeremy know that Cirrus is his baby. I would go as far as saying that he might even love that cat more than he loves me. So when Cirrus isn't happy--no one is. Technically, Cirrus is supposed to be Tanner's kitty. As a matter of fact, Jeremy forbade me from letting him in the house that fateful day that he showed up on our porch. Fortunately, for all of us, I have never really been one to obey. He is a wonderfully sweet, cuddly ball of orange fluff whom we all adore.

Jeremy picked Tanner up from Carol's today and had already informed him that Cirrus wasn't feeling the SECOND he walked in the door he was shouting "You don't feel good, honey??" Yeah, he calls Cirrus "honey"--he also occasionally calls Jeremy honey...but I can't blame anyone but myself for that. Cirrus was laying lethargically in the kitchen floor, looking rather forlorn. Tanner practically threw himself on the cat to cuddle with him. Then he jumped up and ran for the bathroom and came back with his thermometer. What followed was nothing short of fantastically adorable. See for you
r self...

Dare I suggest that we might have a future vet in our presence???

1 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

That is probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen!!! I can't believe Cirrus didn't scratch him! Didn't you tell me you guys haven't declawed him yet???