Friday, July 14, 2006

No rest for the weary

We are so tired. I honestly don't know how long it has been since I have been as completely worn out as I am now...and Jeremy is the same way. This week has been a challenge on us. My back is finally getting better (my ankle now hurts from all the limping around that I have done--but progress is progress), but Tanner and Jeremy are sick. Tanner is currently running a fever of 101.1, and I am expecting another sleepless night. My poor little man!

He crawled into bed with us this morning around two. He is afraid of ghosts...who isn't?? He was tired, but he fought sleep--I gave up at around five and took my alarm clock to the guest room so I could get a couple of hours of rest. Jeremy stayed up with him until six when they both finally fell asleep. This morning when we left for Carol's house, Tanner had bags under his eyes and was looking more than a little peaked. When I picked him up he looked even worse. He perked up for a little while when he saw Daddy--but you could still tell he wasn't feeling good. Any time TW sits for longer than five minutes you know that SOMETHING is wrong. Right now he is in his bed, but I am getting ready to go get him. When he isn't feeling well, I like to have him close. So tonight, Mommy will have the sleepless night and Daddy will get to sleep so he can endure a long ten hour day tomorrow. Lucky for him we have a comfortable couch! Hopefully this will be a short lived illness and tomorrow night we can all get the rest we deserve!!! Good night loved ones...I will keep you posted.

1 hugs and kisses:

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